The Beach Part 2

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Jasons’s pov:

Me and chaz and Tyler were sitting down and from the corner of my eye i could see chaz checking out Ariel.

“Dude are you just going to stare at her or man up and as her out?!” i ask

“What? Noo. I don’t like her” he says obviously lying

“Man everyone can tell you got a thing for her” says Tyler

“True man true” i say

“No! I don’t like her i mean yeah she’s hot and has a sexy body and is pretty...and beautiful.. and amazing... i mean no!” he says snapping out of his day dream

Me and Tyler just sit an laugh our head off at his daydream.

Just then tom came running towards us.

“Tom where’s Kat wasn’t you suppose to be with her?” i ask him

“we was going to go pway in the water but some big man started to talk to her so katwin told me to come here and stay with you until she is back” he says in a baby voice

Wait? A man? What man? Who is this man?

“Guys Im going to go check on Kat take care of tom and don’t let him out your sight” i say

“NO! You can’t katwin told me to tell you to not come after her shell come to you” he says in his baby voice.

“Don’t worry tom I’ll be back” i say

“Fine” he huffs

Just when Im about to go find her i see her running towards us.

Oh this can’t be good...

Kats pov:

Was my dad really in a gang or worse is he a gang leader?

Just watch your back because we’ll be seeing more of each other soon and not the good type of seeing. Oh honey you aint the only one in a

gang. The exacts same words in my head which keep repeating and then it clicks!

Him trying to threaten me. Him not giving a shit because Im in a gang. He is in a gang. Oh crap this is bad this is really bad!

I do a 306 turn trying to look for him and then i spot him talk with a couple of people and them holding guns. When he sees me all he does is smirk and then turns back to the men. This only shows he’s planning something right now. This is bad!

And with that i run towards where i told tom to go.

Once i find them i run right up to them and try to catch my breath while my hand are on my knees and me slightly bending trying to catch my breath.

“Kat what’s wrong?” says Jason looking worried.

Soon everyone gathers around.

“Dude what happened?!” asks Ariel shaking me

“i...he’” i say

“Who?” they all ask


And then i was cut off with gunshot’s going everywhere. I quickly grab tom and lay on top of him with half my weight on him so i don’t crush him. The rest of the guys pick up their guns and start to shoot.

“Kat! What the fuck have you done now!!!” shouts Ariel over the bullets

“Shut the fuck up and shoot ill explain later!!!” i scream back at her

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