when WE will strike

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Jason’s pov:

So it’s been a year since Kats been gone. Haven’t heard anything from her and we don’t even know if she’s alive or dead. Part of me thinks she is but the bigger part of me knows she isn’t. The gang has tried to stay strong but you can tell their slowly breaking apart. We all miss her so much it’s just not possible. Blake, Tyler, chaz and I are the ones suffering the most. Every time someone brings her up he would get teary eyes or just lash out on everyone. And same with chaz. Was slowly growing strong again because we’ve all learned to live with her not coming back.

“Hey” says Blake with no emotion

“Sup” i reply the same way

“Nothing nothing”


“Boss we’ve got a problem” says chaz bursting through the door

“What’s up?”

“We’ve found out the dragons are going to be back in Miami soon...”

I nodded my head for him to go on.

“And there planning on striking at us on the third day of them back here.”

I furrow my eyebrows “and you know this how?”

“Because i had one of our new members go and spy on them since they wouldn’t know and he told us”

“Well done chaz well done”

He smiles and keeps his head up high.

“So what are we going to do?” Blake mumbles

“Simple. We’re going to get them before they can get us”

“How though?” asks Tyler coming in

“i see you heard”

He nods while stuffing a sandwich down.

“Get everyone in the meeting room now and ill explain”

“Kay” says Tyler and goes to call everyone.

“Right ok guys as you all know the dragons will be in Miami in about a week and there planning to strike at us on the third day of them here”

We were all currently in the meeting room.

They all nod.

“And for this not to happen we need to strike before they strike at us. They’re going to come after us on the third day and all we have to do is turn up to them a day before.”

They all start to send whispers around the room.

“QUIET!” i shout

“So this is how it’s going to work. We’ve got about a week to get everything ready so make sure eve got everything like guns, knives and so on. If anything is missing i will kill the person responsible for that! Got it!?”

“Yes sir” they all reply

“Good now off you go and get to work”

They all walk out except Blake

“Dude we can’t kill him! Me and you both know that!” says Blake

“Listen Blake i know we can’t but if it comes to that we will have to. It’s been a year she’s gone and if she wanted to do something about it she would have done it by now”


“BLAKE WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF SHES ALIVE! WE CAN’T RISK IT!” I say angrily but instantly regret saying it

His eyes softened.

“I can’t believe you Jason. How can you say that! She’s strong and i know she’s alive. That was just low Jason. Especially for you” he says disappointed


I was cut off by him slamming the door walking out. I was not meant to say that. I only said it because that’s what a little part of me taught. But in all honesty i knew she was still alive but don’t know where...

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