ending him for good

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Chaz pov:

I walk down to the basement with Kat. Damn she’s changed allot.

“Hello Kyle miss me?” says Kat with venom dripping with every word

I look at Kyle and see he’s all bruised and beaten up. Damn I’m happy that aint me at the moment. Kat did a pretty good job. Kyle looks at me while i smirk at him.

“Why didn’t i guess you would be involved in this” he said

“Actually he isn’t. This is between me and you but he wanted to help which I’m gladly going to let him do” says Kat

“So Kyle are you going to tell me why you killed my mom or am i going to have to do the same things as yesterday”

“Fuck off whore” he spits at her

“I guess it’s the same as yesterday” she says laughing a little

He looks at her shaking his head.

“Then are you going to tell me?” she asks

“The reason i killed the fucking bitch is because i know it would tick you off and you would come for me and then i would get you in the end”

“Well i guess it did the opposite. Now I’ve got you” she says

“Well the fucking whore deserved it!” he shouts at her

I see her flinch at his words then i see something i taught i would never see happen to her.

Her eyes went really dark. Like pitch black. This is bad. It reminds e of the way Jason gets mad and his eyes go like that. And it’s bad because

there’s no way he can control his anger.

Out of nowhere she punches him in the face and his face flies to the side. She’s starts to punch him repeatedly. Suddenly out of no where the

other guy’s gets out of his chairs and try to help Kyle but i quickly pull him and push him to the floor. I start to kick him until i see he’s dead. Meh he wasn’t going to live longer any way. I look to see Kat pointing a gun at Kyle.

“any last words Kyle” says Kat

Damn she looks cute when she s holding a gun. I bet if Jason was here he would have found her out while she holds her gun.

“Yeah. One thing. Don’t think this is over Taylor because there’s no way in hell it is even if that means I’m dead” he says smirking

“say hello to Satan for me k?”

And then she shoots him in the head.

Kats pov:

“SHANE, HARRY, MOLLY! GET DOWN HERE NOW!” i scream for them

A little while later all 3 of them come down.

“Get rid of these bodies and go throw them in a forest somewhere far” i tell them

They all nod and get started.

“come on chaz lets go” i say looking at him

“That was pretty cool Kat” says chaz

“Thanks i try my bes2 i say smirking

“If Jason saw that he would find it so damn hot” he says

My face instantly turns into a frown.

“h-how is j-jason?” i whisper

He sighs and says “well he isn’t the best. Since you left he hasn’t been the same. He’s been so broken and same with Blake and Tyler. And the rest. The house isn’t the same with you and Jason would cry every night and sometimes he would wake up screaming for you and none of us could do anything about it” says chaz

Now that broke my heart.

“I’m sorry” i say while a tear falls down my face

This is the first time i have actually let a tear slip in a year.

“Hey it’s ok. We all know you had your reasons for leaving” says chaz pulling me into a hug. While i cry into his chest

“i guess it’s been quite a while since you let this out” he says chuckling

I nod and keep crying while he pulls me into his lap and whispers soothing words in my ear.

Soon after i calm down abit and can talk again i say

“But it’s because of me your all broken”

“Well everyone breaks so don’t worry about it. All I’m happy about it your still alive and well” he says

“Thanks allot chaz. It means so much to me that your here”

“We let you leave once and i for sure aint letting you go again” he says

“Chaz as much as i want to come back i cant. I’m in too much deep shit and i don’t want you’s to get involved in it” i say

“Well i already am since you let me help you earlier” he says

“No chaz. I can’t let you do that” i say

“Kat! Stop being selfish! We all promised that if any of us found you again we won’t let you get away. And I’m not going to break my p

romise” he says

I can’t believe after everything I’m going to say this. After a year of keeping them away from what I’m doing i ended up getting one of them involved. Well i guess there’s a reason why i left. I may not be going back but i might as well see them again. As much as i want to say no i don’t need their help i know i do because i can sense something bad coming towards us son. And when i say bad i don’t mean bad as in just a fight i mean bad as in a war.

“fine” i say

“great now get ready were going to go see the people you haven’t seen in a long time” says chaz smirking

Suddenly i see tom barging through the door.

“KATWIN!” says tom

“Hay little guy what’s up?” i ask laughing

“I mwissed youw” he says

“Awwh bless”

I hear chaz clear his throat.

“Oh yeah chaz this is tom and tom this is your uncle chaz”

“Hello tom” says chaz ruffling his hair

“Hello uncle chaz”

“Ok now tom go tell aunt Ariel to get ready and to get you ready were going out” i say to him

“Owkay” he says

He jumps off them bed and goes to look for Ariel

Chaz gives me a look to say when-did-you-get-knocked-up?

“Dude he isn’t my kid. We were on a mission and we were supposed to kill his dad because he did shit like raping and kidnapping people.

And when we barged in we found him beating tom so we took him and since then I’ve taken care of him like he’s my own”



“ok I’m going to go change then well go”

Unknown pov:

They think they can get away with what they did to him! Well there wrong because they won’t! Her gang and his gang are going to be getting lots of visits from us.

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