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Kats pov:

I slam the door and walk into the living room where i see Olly and tom playing. I look up at the clock and see it’s nearly 10pm.

“Right tom come on its time to go to bed now” i say

He drops his things and then runs up the stairs. I laugh at his silliness. I follow him up the stairs into his room.

I help him change into his pj’s and then tuck him into bed.

“Night honey” i say

“Night katwin”

I give him a kiss on the forehead and then walk to the door. I look back at him and see him with his eyes closed. I walk out and slowly shut

the door behind me. I start to walk into my own room which is right next door to his.

I walk in and go into the bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror and look disgusted at it. I somehow managed to get a cut on my cheek and had makeup half coming off.

I lock the bathroom door and strip from my clothes and get into the shower.

I turn it on and then do my business.

While I’m doing that i start to think about today’s event.

I just couldn’t believe it was him.

Why was he even there? He knew what i was going to be doing but then again i don’t blame me. If he went for the same reasons i would have taught he may be dead or something so i would do the job which I’m sure he was going to do.

But the way his jaws were clenched and the way his blue eyes sparkled. It was amazin-

NO! No Kat you can’t find him attractive. It’s not aloud! I forbid myself to like him!

Once I’m done with my business i shut off the tap and i get out and wrap a towel around my body and walk out the bathroom into my room.

I grab some clothes and put them on.

Once I’ve done that i put my hair into a bun and lay down on my bed until i hear a knock on the door.

“Come in” i mumble

“Um sorry to bother you cat but we’ve still got Kyle in the basement and a couple of his members too” says Adam

SHIT! I forgot we had him here. I get up and slip on my shoes and then walk down to the basement with Adam. Once I’m there i see rayn standing there watching them all.

“Well well well if it isn’t Kyle. Never taught i would see you again” lie

He looks at me confused.

“What the fuck are you on about get me out of these or i swear ill make sure your dead. Oh wait I’ve already decided I’m going to have you dead” he says with a smirk

I laugh at his response.

“You aint getting out of those anytime soon. So if i was you i would get comfortable in them. And no i don’t think ill be the one dead i KNOW its you whose going to be dead very soon” i say with a smirk

“Who the fuck are you?!” he asks

“Really Kyle. You don’t remember me? Well let me remind you of the day.”

I grab a knife and stab him in the leg and drag it down. He screams out in pain. Thank god these walls are soundproof and the door. I take it out and look at him.

“Does that remind you Kyle? Don’t you remember that was the same noise my mom made when you shot her!!” i spat at him

“K-k-Kat?!” he says

Oh this is going to be so much fun!

I clap at his quick thinking.

“Took you long enough to figure out who i am” i say smirking

“So how you doing Kyle” i say winking at him

“FUCK OFF!” he says spitting in my face

“Uh-uh-uh. If i was you i would think carefully. You’re the one in the chair defenceless. I’m the one here with all kinds of weapons” i say

I walk upstairs and grab my bag filled with weapons. I bring it down and lay it on the table.

“Hm so how should we do this? The easy torture or the bad torture?”

“Maybe none” says rayn

I look over at him confused.

“I say we should go for worse” he says smirking

I nod telling them they can go now. They nod back and walk up the stairs.

“i think we’ll go for worse. Make sure you go through the pain that you mad my mom go through” i say smirking

Jason’s pov:

“IT WAS HER MAN!” i shout coming through the door

Everyone was sitting on the couch.

“And who is her exactly?” asks chaz

I look at him and see his shoulder with blood on it.

“Dude what happened to your shoulder” i ask him

“Oh some chick from ‘the red bloods’ shot me and then ran off” he says


“Guys it was her” i say again

“What are you going on about?” says Blake coming back into the room with a beer in his hand.

“it was her! It was Kat!”

They all snap their heads towards me and run up to me except the new gang members who don’t know who she is.

“Are you sure man?!” says Blake

“Yes I’m sure. I know what i saw Blake” i snap at him

“And” says chaz motioning for me to go on

“She... she...”

“SHE WHAT?!” say Blake both shaking me to get the words out.

“She’s the one who runs the... ‘The red bloods’”

They all go quite and say nothing. After a few minutes blake speaks.

“I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT WOULD BE HER!!!” he says

“Wait dude how did you know?” says chaz reading my mind

“Because think about it. Who else could be better than us? No one unless it’s her. I wasn’t sure at first but i kept thinking it was her but i

didn’t know if it was but know i do! It’s her! It’s really her!!! She’s alive!!!” he says cheering

“But wait what was she doing there?” says Tyler

“I think i know exactly what she was doing there” i say smirking

They all look at me confused.

“Think about it guys. What did we go there for?” i ask

“To get the dragons” says Ayden

“Right. So what do you think she went there for” i ask again

“Um the same reason as us” says Tyler

“Exactly” i say satisfied with his answer

“Wait so she went to get Kyle. So did she take him” asks Blake

“yup.” I say smirking

“So what do you think she’s doing right now” he asks again

“She’s doing our job for us and she’s doing what she’s always wanted to do”

“And that is?” says chaz like he’s completely lost

“She’s getting revenge on that bastard for good”

Keeping Promises [sequel to I WILL protect you]Where stories live. Discover now