Chapter 16a: Conjunction (part 1)

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Conjunction (part 1)

The next day at school, I was relieved when Rigel came right up to me before our first class, and even more relieved by his first words.

"Hey. Sorry about yesterday. I was . . . a little messed up in my head." The warmth of his smile was an even better apology than his words. I forgave him on the spot.

Still, I had to ask, "So when do I get that explanation you promised?"

He grinned--it was so good to see that grin again! "Any chance you can stay after school today?"

I nodded. "I told my aunt I had a project to work on in the media center. But you won't have much time to talk during practice, will you?"

Rigel lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "I'll manage something. Maybe we can talk some at lunch, too."

"Okay." I wished now I'd packed a lunch, but if he wanted to go to the courtyard, I'd gladly do without. Dumb, maybe, but true.

As it turned out, there really wasn't much chance to talk at lunch. Passing the courtyard on my way to the cafeteria, I saw some club was getting pictures taken there, so that was out. Then Bri and Deb actually sat with me for a change, so while I did have lunch with Rigel, we couldn't talk about anything private.

I made a real effort not to neglect my friends while we all ate, but it was harder than I expected. Every time Rigel spoke, my attention was irresistibly absorbed by him, like he was a gorgeous black hole or something. Even watching him eat was more interesting than the boring school gossip Deb and Bri were sharing, though I pretended otherwise.

"So, Trina and Bryce are back together," Bri said near the end of the period, with a pointed glance my way.

"Yeah," Rigel said before I could respond. "They were like this after practice yesterday." He held two fingers together. His tone was completely nonchalant and I didn't think he was faking it for my sake.

Obviously Bri and Deb noticed, too, since they both gave me what I assumed were supposed to be secret grins, though Rigel was sitting right there and had to see.

"Oh, I meant to ask," Bri said as we picked up our trays, "can you come to my house after school, M? My mom took me shopping in Kokomo Saturday and I've got a couple of new outfits. You guys can help me decide what goes with them."

Deb was clearly already on board with the plan, but I had to shake my head. No way was I giving up a chance to get those answers out of Rigel! Not to mention the chance of a little alone time with him, though I knew that was unlikely.

"I can't, sorry. I've really got to work on that science project I've let slide."

I half expected one or both of them to guess what I was really doing, but they let it pass without comments, or even knowing looks. I'd tell them later. Maybe. Depending on what happened.

As soon as the final bell rang, I hurried to my locker, glad I'd actually finished my science project yesterday before my aunt got home, just in case she asked about it later this evening. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Rigel leaning against my locker, looking more like a movie star or a fashion model than a high school student. How could I possibly be this lucky?

"I'll be quick," I said, throwing the books I didn't need into my locker. "Don't want to make you late for practice."

"No rush," he said with an impish smile that made my heart speed up even more. "I'm ditching."

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