28. Going Down Together

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Friday June 1

Chelsea's P.O.V.

            I watch intently as Jake leans in to kiss me.  He moves his head closer to mine, and closer.  He keeps coming closer, but it's as if someone hit the slow motion button on a tv remote.  Just as I think he's actually about to kiss me, the door opens.  Jake and I move apart as fast as we can and turn around to see who interrupted us.

            My first thought when I see who caught us is, "Oh snap!"  Not only is my sister, Janae, standing there with a mad look on her face, but so are my parents who look even more mad than Janae.

            "What are you two doing?" My father growls, glaring at Jake and narrowing his eyes at him.

            Jake stands there like a deer in the headlights.  He obviously wasn't expecting this, well neither was I.  Were they just watching us?  How did they know to open the door right at that moment?  Of course, family always seems to be able ruin the things you really want.

             "We-uh-were-uh.." Jake stammers still in shock.  I look back and forth between him and my family.  This can't end well.

            "Get inside," my dad says pointing at me.  He then turns to Jake, "As for you, go home and never come back.  If I see your face anywhere near my house or hear of you being anywhere near my daughter we're going to have an issue.  You understand?"

            Jake gulps and nods before turning away.  You see, normally my dad is really nice, but when he feels you're threatening one of his daughters, then he becomes your worst nightmare. 

            My parents usher me inside, but I refuse to go any farther than that.  They have to learn to respect my wishes.  My parents and Janae all turn around to see me not following them into the living room.

            "Come on, honey.  We need to talk," my mother says softly.

            I cross my arms over my chest and shake my head.  "No."

            "Why not?" my father says a bit harshly.

            "Because that wasn't fair.  What do you guys have against Jake?"

            "Well that's an easy enough question.  First of all," Janae says as she starts to tick off on her fingers, "he's a Collin and we know they can't be trusted.  Second his brother got you hurt.  Third, he's a boy.  What more do you need than that?"

            "That's still not fair.  Jake never did anything to you.  Ok, so you thought Tanner cheated on you, but did you ever ask him about it?  Nope.  Who's fault is that?  Anyway, like I said brothers are different.  And Dan saved me from that creep.  He DIDN'T put me in danger so I think he deserves an apology."

            "What is this?  My own daughter talking out against her own family!  What have they done to you?  Brainwashed you?" my father demands.

            "No, of course not!  I don't get why you all are so against the Collins, but you should really stop.  They're a great family, well except for the dad, but you still shouldn't hold that against them.  Jake has been my friend for so long and then we stopped hanging out and now we're ok again.  Shouldn't you all be happy that I'm not moping around the house anymore?"

            My dad snorts and my mom just rolls her eyes, but Janae..  I see something flicker in her eyes before she looks away from me.  Wait a minute...  I know that look.  She's guilty!  But of what?

            "Janae, can I talk to you for a second?"

            She looks up at me and then looks away.  Yep, she's definitely guilty.  I grab her arm and guide her up the stairs as she reluctantly follows. 

            "What's this all about?  Mom and dad are going to think something is up."

            "You know what this is all about.  I saw that look.  You're guilty."

            "What are you talking about?"

            I stare at her.  "You're a horrible liar, Janae."

            She frowns.  "Fine.  So I'm guilty, but you don't know of what."

            I stand there thinking for a minute.  How do I make her tell me?  Hm. 

            She puts her hand on her hip and smiles at me.  "No plan?"

            "Just tell me, Janae."

Janae's P.O.V.

            I sigh.  Little sisters, they have a way of getting to you.  I guess I should tell her though.  I mean instead of defending her, I just pretended like I was on mom and dad's side. 

            "What do you want to know?"

            "Everything," she answers. 

            I take a deep breath before going to my whole long story how Tanner and I made up and how were not quite dating, but more than friends.  Chelsea stares at me, wide-eyed the whole time.

            "How come you didn't help me out down there?  You're not even on their side!"

           "I know, I know, but look, I just got back home and I rather not get on mom and dad's bad side while I still have some time here before I go back to college."

            She just stares at me, frustrated.

            "Look, I'm sorry, but what do you want me to do?"

           "Come clean."

            I groan.  "Really?  Didn't I just explain to you why I don't want to tell mom and dad about me and Tanner?"

            "Yeah.. So?  We're sisters!  Are you really just going to let me get yelled at down there?"

            She's right.  I need to help out my little sister.  I've done it all those other times so why not now too?

            "Ok.  I'll tell mom and dad about me and Tanner, but trust me this isn't going to make things any better for either of us.  They aren't going to let you see Jake or Dan until you're 18 and even then they won't be all that happy about it.  As for me, I don't know what they'll do.  My guess is they will say how they're disappointed in me and how Tanner is such a sleazy guy, etc..  But hey, I guess we'll go down together."

            Chelsea then smiles at me and hugs me.  "I missed you."

            I smile back at here, "Me too."

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