Chapter 12

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My arms stretched out, hand patting the empty sheets as I searched for the source of warmth I knew had been there when I went to sleep. All I got was handfuls of cool cotton and unmade comforter. Peeking my eyes open, I was startled to find it was still dark or at least it was in the room. I refocused my eyes on the clock; 11:48 am. Sitting up ramrod straight, I almost toppled out of the bed because I needed to be up hours ago if I wanted to get the contest pieces done.

I slid out of bed, the warmth giving way to the cool carpet and air conditioning pumping through the room. I stumbled around the bed, still half asleep, tripping at the foot of the bed. I hit the ground a lot harder than I expected, my arms barely keeping me from getting a mouth full of the nasty carpet as I cussed up a storm.
Staring at the offending object through blurry eyes, I picked one of them up. Boots? Whose black boots were- Luke. My mind finally put together a puzzle piece I didn't know I was missing. I was not used to falling asleep with someone else, let alone waking up with them but it was more disconcerting to wake up with them having disappeared.

"Luke?" I questioned, standing up with a hiss at the carpet burn I'd gotten on my knees. I didn't get an answer and that was even more confusing because why would he leave without his shoes. A deep voice came from the hallway and I startled again as the lock made a clicking noise and the door swung open.

"Yeah man. I'm gonna spend a bit of time with my girl today and I will meet up with you later." Luke kicked the door with his sock clad feet, an ice bucket in hand as he turned to face me and he about fell over at seeing me. He gave me a smile as he sat the bucket down and beckoned me to him with a wave of his hand. I met him halfway, body folding into his as he was finishing up his conversation.

"Yeah, I will ask Evie if she wants to go to the party with us tomorrow night. You don't have to go and see her. I'm texting her already so- Yes Ashton. I know. I gotta go, alright? Yes, I will ask her now goodbye." He sighed as he clicked out of the call, throwing his phone over to the bed and pulled me against him more firmly.

"I missed you." He mumbled and I had to laugh.

"I missed you too? But weren't we just sleeping?" He pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before flopping onto the arm chair he had been in last night and I took the liberty of sitting sideways in his lap and draping my legs over the arm. He made patterns on top of my thigh as he leaned his head back with a sigh and shut his eyes.

"No, you were. I had to get up at like six to go do a radio interview." He groaned. My eyebrows furrowed, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Why didn't you wake me?" His hand smoothed up my side as he smiled gently at the ceiling with his eyes closed.

"I was going to because you said you needed to take your pictures but you were just so cute, I couldn't." I snorted. I was anything but cute when I slept but the sentiment was appreciated. My stomach grumbling took me by surprise, his eyes opening to give me a side-glance with a bright smile.

"Are you hungry?" He questioned, his head lifting as I nodded with a blush. "I can call room service if you want." That sounded great to me.

"Yeah, let's do that because I need to get ready to be a productive member of society." I groaned as he agreed but neither of us moved. "I don't wanna get up. You're comfortable."

"Uh, thanks?"

"You're welcome." It was silent for just a moment until his fingers traced over the bend of my knee and I let out an indignant screech, rolling from his lap with a laugh.

"No way." He grinned.

"Hoe don't do it. We aren't a fanfiction." I admonished as we both got to our feet.

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