Episode 31

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Sakina awoke early the next morning and continued to hold the icepack against her bruised and swelled chin and forehead.

It was two in the morning and the bruises weren't looking any better.

"I might have to miss school today," She murmured, sighing heavily. To comfort herself, Sakina entered the kitchen and proceeded to eat Ramen.

As she slurped her ramen, She realized that today was friday, the day She was suppose to start filming the production.

"Aww! I'll be behind on the schedule!" She whined.

"No! I can't afford to be behind! I'll just have to deal with it!" Sakina said to herself, finishing her ramen.

Sakina got up from the table and made her way to the bathroom.

When it was time to head to school, Sakina had gotten ready and did her best to hide the bruises with make-up.

Sakina was alone in her house. Sakura, having been guilt ridden slept at her own house. 

Sakina sighed and left the house headed to school. As she walked to school, She spotted Tezuka walking a few feet in front of her.

"Ah, Tezuka! Wait up!" Sakina yelled, running to catch up to him.

Sakina fell in step with Him as they walked in silence.

"Would you like a part in my production?" She asked, looking up at him.

Tezuka seemed to be deep in thought and as Sakina stared up at him, she couldn't keep her rebellious feelings aside. In a flash, she has removed Tezuka's glasses and had run ahead as she peered into them.

"So cool," she murmured before turning around and walking backwards as she slipped the glasses onto her nose.

"Hey Tezu-kun how do I look?" she asked, doing a quick pose.

Tezuka blinked rapidly, too shocked for words. His eyes narrowed and he said darkly, "Give me back my glasses."

Sensing the danger she was in, Sakina gulped before turning around and running as fast as she could.

Sakina could hear Tezuka chasing after her and looked back.

"Even without his glasses, Tezuka sure is fast!" She said, smiling to herself.

Sakina was so wrapped up in looking behind herself that she didn't notice until it was too late that someone was walking in front of her.

Sakina crashed into them and fell down.

The cracking of glass was heard and Sakina sat up.

"I-I'm so sorry! Inui, your glasses!"

Inui sat up and held his broken glasses in his hand. "It's fine, I carry extras," he responded, pulling out a fresh pair.

Sakina sighed until she glanced under herself. Tezuka's glasses...were broken as well.

She could sense the dark aura behind herself as she turned and wordlessly handed him his broken glasses.

"Hey, Saki! What's up!" Momo called out, his hand in the air until he caught sight of the scene.

Taking a que, he silently walked into the school.

Sakina fidgeted under Tezuka's intense glare. "Sakina..." He murmured, his words laced with venom, "One hundred laps during practice."


Sakina huffed and gasped as she ran her sixtieth lap. She silently cursed herself for breaking Tezuka's glasses, but every time she glanced back at him without his glasses she couldn't help but think it was worth it.

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