Episode 29

980 37 4

On Wednesday, After School was over, Sakina began to head to Rakuzan wondering why Shira would want to see her.

Sakina reached the gates of Rakuzan and saw Shira standing there waiting for her.

"Hello Shira, what did you want to see me about?" she questioned.

"Tsukiko-Dono is ready to begin your training," Shira answered plainly.

"Oh, Okay. Say, I was wondering...how do you know Tezuka?" Sakina asked curiously as she followed Shira to the tennis court's.

"Kunimitsu is an old acquaintance. We've known each other for a long time. We are here,"

Shira stopped and walked to the side as Sakina was wrapped in a tight embrace.

"Aww! You're so cute, Saki!!" Tsukiko squealed, tightening her grip.

"I-i...Can't...breathe! Air...air...air!" Sakina sputtered.

Tsukiko quickly released Sakina who began panting, trying to catch her breath. When she finally did, She said, "So, are we gonna practice tennis?"

Tsukiko looked her over before She said, "No practice, just observational study. I need to see how well you've improved. Shira, state ten, if Saki can handle that, up it to state nine and so forth until you get to state five, although I seriously doubt you'll get that far..."

Shira nodded and grabbed a racquet before getting in position.

Sakina got out her tennis racquet as well and also got in position. She took a deep breath before relaxing her body and allowing her instincts to take over. It was Sakina's serve and she bounced the ball and hit it quick.

The ball whizzed past Shira. Shira frowned and narrowed her eyes. "State Seven..." She muttered under her breath.

Sakina bounced the ball again and hit it quick, this time, Shira caught it and effortlessly returned it.

When the match was over, it played out better than Sakina thought it would and she wiped her sweaty forehead Before taking a deep drink of water.

"You've improved tremendously! I didn't think Shira would have to go to state seven! You're getting better but...you're lacking something," Tsukiko said.

"What do you mean when you say State Seven?" Sakina questioned.

"Oh that. Shira Can't use her full power so she had to restrain herself. I mean, there's no use in using your full potential on normal people, right? She has levels, what I call states. The higher the state, for example state four, the higher the power. State four is much more powerful than say, state eight. Her most powerful state is One but she's never had to go that far." Tsukiko explained.

"I get it!" Sakina said.

"You want to know what you're lacking?" Tsukiko asked.

"Yes!" Sakina answered.

"You're lacking the motivation to win."
"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You've lost the match and yet you act as if nothing happened. No frustration, No demand for a rematch, nothing like that. You have no motivation to win," Tsukiko said.

"B-but I thought...tennis isn't about winning or losing but about having fun. That's what I thought all sports are about..."

Tsukiko sighed heavily and smacked her forehead. "You see...that is why you can't win. You're...how should I put this...naive? Innocent? Pure hearted? An idiot? No...you haven't experienced a true loss, a humiliation so great, you desire to quit tennis. Because you have no motivation, when you do experience a harsh reality wake up call, it could break you."

"B-but Kuroko said-"

"You can't go on like this! You need to desire to win with everything you've got! Forget fun, make it your mission to win! But...you won't understand what I'm saying right now. One day, you'll understand and That's when our training session can begin. I now know where you stand so I can say with certainty, when you break, you'll come seek me out. Only then can I show you true strength. Goodbye, Saki. I'll see you around,"

Tsukiko waved before walking away and Shira put away her racquet before following after her.

Sakina stood and watched them go, confused and left with an uncertain feeling in her chest.

"Sakina, what are you doing here?" A familiar voice questioned.

"Ah, hi Akashi," Sakina said, turning around and waving to a slightly confused Akashi.

Akashi caught sight of Shira and Tsukiko and then relaxed, "You were training. How did it go?"

"Um...it...went well!" Sakina responded. "So, what are you up to?"

"Practice is over for the Basketball team. I was on my way home. Do you need a ride?" Akashi asked.

"Um...Well...Sure," Sakina said uncertainly.

Sakina walked beside Akashi who headed towards a normal looking black car.

"I don't like to be showy," He said as the car door was opened by the driver.

"I understand," Sakina said, getting in the car first, followed by Akashi.

As the car started to move, Sakina fiddled with Her thumbs, replaying the words Tsukiko had said to her.

"Sakina, are you alright? You seem...on edge today, did something happen?" Akashi asked, eyeing Sakina curiously.

"Nothing happened, it's just...Practice...didn't go so well."

"Did you lose? Its okay to lose sometimes,"

"I did lose but...That's not it. Tsukiko says...I'm...lacking the motivation to win," Sakina explained, keeping her gaze to the floor of the car.

"You're...lacking motivation to win?" Akashi repeated.

"Yes. I...guess I'm so used to losing that I don't get sad or give it my all or something...I can't explain it the way she did."

"It's true that athletes must possess the desire to win in order to do so but...I've never heard of someone lacking the desire for victory."

"I guess you're looking at one. Maybe...I'm not meant to play sports...Because...I'm No good..." Sakina mumbled.

She didn't notice but Somehow, Sakina found tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Ah, I'm sorry," She said, attempting of wipe the tears away when Akashi unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her.

Sakina found herself buried in Akashi's chest. "Go on, You can cry," He said.

Then, like a storm, Sakina let it all out and began crying uncontrollably.

Akashi patted her back and rubbed the back of her head until her crying became soft sobs.

"Sakina...I think the desire to win isn't something you're lacking. Maybe, because you realize that it's merely practice, You don't take it seriously. After all, You haven't played in any real matches yet. Don't take what Tsukiko was saying too seriously."

Sakina quieted down and pulled away from Akashi and nodded, wiping away the remaining tears from her face.

"O-okay, thank you, Akashi," She said, rubbing her eyes.

The car pulled to a stop outside Sakina's house and the door was opened by the driver.

"Sakina, if you have any doubts or are in trouble don't hesitate to call me," Akashi said.

Sakina nodded, "I won't! Bye Akashi! Thank you for everything," She said before climbing out the car.

Sakina turned and headed to her front door and glanced back at the black car as it was about to drive off.

Akashi waved to her and Sakina waved back before entering her home.

Not Just A Sport!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz