Episode 7

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As Sakina walked throughout various stores in an attempt to find good tennis equipment, She sighed as she realized she had no clue what she was doing.

She sighed and sat down.

"Hey, girl, don't look so sad," A boy said. Sakina looked up at a boy who was blowing bubblegum.

"Oh, well I was looking at tennis equipment but I have no clue what to get. I've never played tennis before," Sakina replied.

"I play tennis. I can help you pick something out. I'm Bunta Marui."

"I'm Sakina. And thank you, your help would be much appreciated!"

Sakina stood up and smiled.

Marui nodded and began walking towards a nearby store. Sakina followed after him.

"What school do you attend? I haven't seen you before, Marui," Sakina Said.

"I attend Rikkai. You look like you attend Seigaku."

Sakina nodded. "I do!" She said.

The two entered A store and headed over to the sports aisle.
Sakina noticed a familiar face. "Hi Midorima! Are you here for equipment too?" she called out.

Midorima had picked up a tennis ball and at the sound of Sakina's voice, dropped it on the ground.

"Sakina, what are you doing here?" Midorima asked as he picked up the tennis ball.

"I'm going to start playing tennis and I need equipment. What about you, Midorima?"

"Today's lucky item is a tennis ball." He said simply.

"Oh! Today is a really good day for getting Tennis equipment then! I guess this is fate that we met up here. Can you help me too?" Sakina asked.

She blushed and smiled widely.

Midorima glanced at Marui who looked at the nearby equipment.

"I suppose I could be of assistance," Midorima stated, pushing up his glasses.

"Thank you!" Sakina exclaimed, happily.

"I suggest you get this racquet. Its a pretty good model," Marui stated, holding up a tennis Racquet.

Marui held it out for her. "Its best to see if it's not too heavy or too light," He said.

Sakina took the Racquet and waved it around. "Its fine. What else do I need?"

"A tennis bag to carry it in and probably three more racquets in case that one breaks. You also need tennis balls. And maybe a water bottle," Marui stated.

Sakina nodded.

"I'll go find you a water bottle and a tennis bag," Midorima said.

"Okay! And I'll get the tennis balls." Sakina Said.

"I'll get the racquets," Marui said.

The three went and gathered the items Sakina needed.

Once they were done and had everything Sakina needed, Sakina paid for the items and exited the store.

"Thank you two. You guys were so much help!" Sakina Said.

A thought popped into her head. "Do you guys want to go to a cafe with me? Its the least I can do to thank you,"

"That won't be necessary," Midorima replied.

"I have coupons for free Desserts. I really want to thank you,"
Sakina Said.
She stared at the two boys with her puppy eyes.

"Sounds good," Marui said, popping his gum and blowing another bubble.

Midorima looked away, "I guess I will come as well," he said.

Sakina smiled, "Great! Its settled!"


Sakina sat across from the two boys at the Cafe. She looked around and couldn't spot the rude girl from before. She breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out her coupons and placed them on the table.

A waitress came and placed a variety of Desserts in the table and smiled as She took the coupons and walked away.

Midorima's phone beeped. He glanced at the cell phone and sighed heavily. He then texted back.

"Looks like I must be going," he said.

"Please take some cake with you!" Sakina protested quickly.

Midorima grabbed a small slice of cake. "Thank you for the dessert," he said before leaving.

Sakina sighed in disappointment. "I wish he could have stayed longer," She mumbled.

"Is he a close friend of yours?" Marui asked, getting a large slice of cake.

"Um...Yes," Sakina replied. "You said you were a tennis player. Is tennis really hard?"

Marui pondered for a moment. "I've played tennis for a while now and I guess you could say it's hard. But then, you could say the same thing about any other sport. Sakina, why do you want to play tennis?"

Sakina blushed, "It looked fun." She replied.

"Sakina! How dare you eat cake without me?!" Sakura's voice called out.

Sakina looked up and saw Sakura approaching her.

Sakura had a frown in her face but when she spotted Marui, she quickly grabbed Sakina and pulled her away.

"Who is that guy?!" Sakura whispered.

"Marui. He is a tennis player from Rikkai and helped me pick out equipment."

"Did you say Rikkai? That school won the Japanese National tournament twice in a row!"

"Really? He must be a really strong tennis player."
Sakina commented. "Say, want to eat cake with us?"

"Of course!" Sakura responded.

Sakina sat back down with Sakura sitting beside her.

"Marui, this is my best friend Sakura," Sakina stated.

"Hi! I'm surprised to see someone from Rikkai hanging out with Sakina," Sakura said.

"Is it true that Rikkai's three monsters are super strong?" Sakura asked, leaning forward.

Marui swallowed his cake and nodded. "Its true. They're really strong," he replied.

"Three monsters...really strong..." Sakina muttered, a blush appearing on her face. "Marui, can I-"

Sakina's phone suddenly began ringing. Sakina glanced at the number and gasped before answering.

"Onii-san!" she said.

"Hey Saki. I know you're into tennis and all but want to play a round of one on one? I'm bored over here," Aomine said over the phone.

"Of course! I'll be there soon Onii-san!" Sakina replied before hanging up.

Sakina stood up. "I have to go, see you another time!" She said before waving and running out of the Cafe.

Sakura sighed and watched her run off. "Do you think you could set up a meeting between Sakina and the three monsters of Rikkai?" She asked.

Marui stood up and stretched, "I guess so but I don't have any way of contacting her."

"I can give you her number."
Sakura stated getting out her phone.

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