Episode 24

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The very next day, Sakina sat on the couch staring at the girl named Nina before saying,"I heard you were a Fujoshi,"

Nina laughed, "So you know already. Yep, I'm a huge Yaoi fan. Ah, the beauty of young homosexual love blossoming in the air in front of me! It brings awesome tears to my awesome eyes as I look upon the beauty that I helped cause. What a blissful feeling!"

Sakina couldn't help but smile lightly.
"There's ramen in the cabinets if you get hungry," She said, standing up and grabbing her tennis bag.

"Where are you going?"

"I have tennis practice. I'll be back later today. Can you make sure that Sakura goes shopping today?"

"Sure thing!"

"I'll see you later,"

Sakina left the house and headed to the tennis court's.

"One...two...three...crap!" Sakina muttered as the ball hit the wall and bounced away from her.

Sakina ran to pick up the ball and glanced across the court. She spotted the Captain Tezuka standing with the girl Shira talking to each other. Both held a tennis racquet in their hands.

Sakina watched them curiously. She decided to observe two as they prepared to play tennis.

Their tennis match was a long one. Neither person had scored a single point and both seemed determined not to lose. Watching the Captain play sent a shiver down Sakina's spine. The same feeling she felt whenever she observed skilled players.

"So strong..." Sakina mumbled, unable to take her eyes off the match. As Sakina watched the match, her body began tingling. Itching to play, Sakina tore her eyes away from their game and began hitting the ball against the wall.

Sakina stopped and huffed, attempting to catch her breath. She glanced back at the proceeding match to discover that a large crowd had formed around the two.

"Neither one got a single point yet. The game's been going on for over an hour!"

"That's crazy!"

"They're still going!"

Sakina wiped her forehead and sighed. "The captain sure does have a lot of stamina," She mumbled.

Sakina grabbed her things and began to walk away from the court, thoroughly exhausted.

As she walked on her way home, Sakina checked her phone to find a message.

"Oh crap!" She yelled, slinging her back over her shoulder and running in the opposite direction.


Sakina stood huffing and puffing outside Ryoma's house. After she had regained her breath, she knocked on the door.

Ryoma answered the door looking bored. "I thought you weren't coming,"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't check my messages! I would like to practice with you, If you don't have anything to do..."

Ryoma went inside the house and retrieved his racquet and ball before going to the court. Sakina allowed Ryoma to serve first and tried her hardest. Unfortunately, it was a brutal loss for Sakina.

"You should practice harder," Ryoma commented, "You've got a long way to go."

Sakina wiped away her sweat and nodded. "You're right," She responded.

When Sakina regained her breath, she sat down. Ryoma decided to sit next to her and handed Sakina a drink.

"Thank you," She said, gulping down the entire can. Once she was finished, Sakina glanced up at the sky. It was dark and littered with stars.

"So pretty," She whispered.

"If you say so," Ryoma responded with a shrug.

Sakina glanced at Ryoma before asking, "Have you seen your brother yet?"

Ryoma looked at Sakina in confusion. "No, I haven't."

"Well, I met him yesterday and He stayed at my house because he said he had nowhere to go. I imagined he would have visited you by now." Sakina said.

Ryoma seemed to ponder what Sakina had said. An awkward silence fell and Sakina fidgeted in its presence.

"Um...I should go now!" Sakina said, standing up abruptly. "Thank you for practicing with me! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Sakina began running off, headed home.

By the time Sakina got home, it was eleven o'clock and silent throughout the entire house. It was as if no one was home.

Sakina sighed heavily and sat on the couch.

"Hey, Saki," Sakura whispered out of nowhere.

"Good to see you. Did you go shopping?" Sakina questioned, looking up at her.

Sakura scoffed, "Of course! By the way, I can't wait for our host club in three days!"

"Oh no! The outfits!" Sakina yelled, suddenly standing up and frantically searching for them. When she found them, she let out a sigh of relief.

Sakura sat down on the couch and made herself comfortable.

Sakina looked around questioningly before she frowned and placed her hands on her hips.

"Okay, Sakura. Tell me what's up. What's the real reason Nina can't stay at your house?"

Sakura glanced up at Sakina, "I told you why,"

Sakina tapped her foot silently. Sakura finally sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll tell you. Nina has to stay with my family because her parents are going through a divorce But My family don't know it yet. You see, My mom is her mom's sister and Nina's mom wants to keep the divorce a secret. Nina pretty much ran away and has nowhere else to go. So, there you have it," Sakura explained.

"I understand," Sakina said after she had processed the information.

Nina walked into the room reading a manga. She looked up from the manga and blinked in surprise.

"I forgot," She said randomly.

"Forgot what?" Sakina asked.

"I forgot to tell Sakura to go shopping. But listen! I was trying to tell Atsushi that it's okay to be in a relationship with Himuro. Everyone ships it, so it's fine,"

"For the last time, Atsushi is my boyfriend!" Sakura yelled, pointing her finger. "He's not in love with Himuro!"

Nina merely shrugged in response and went back to reading. Sakura rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning on the t.v.

Sakura turned the channel and said over her shoulder, "By the way, I gave Himuro his jacket back. It was clean and just lying around. Hope ya don't mind."

"Okay," Sakina responded from within the kitchen preparing herself a sandwich. Sakina came back into the living room with the sandwich already half gone. She sat beside Sakura and began watching t.v.

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