Episode 11

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As Sakina walked away from the tennis court's, She spotted Aomine and Momoi standing at the entrance of Rakuzan waiting for her.

"Hi Onii-san!" Sakina exclaimed, running and hugging Aomine.

The Seigaku Regulars stopped and observed.

Once Sakina had let Aomine go, Momoi handed her a folded up piece of paper. "You're welcome," Momoi said, winking before grabbing Aomine by his arm and pulling him after her.

"Bye Satsuki! Bye Onii-san!" Sakina Yelled, waving.

Sakina opened the paper and pulled out her cellphone.

After dialing the number she smiled. "Hi Kise,"

"SAKINACCHI!! I'm so happy you called!" A loud bubbly Voice screamed into the phone. Sakina had to move the phone away from her ear for a minute before holding it next to her ear.

"Um...Kise, There Is something I want to talk to you about. Yeah. Okay, I'll see you then."

Sakina hung up the phone and smiled. "I guess we should head back home now! Although I am surprised that you guys decided to come to Rakuzan."

"Rakuzan's tennis club seemed formidable," Inui stated.

"Oh, that's why you guys showed up. If you want, I can ask Satsuki to gather intel about the tennis team for you. She's a data analysis and she's really good at it too." Sakina said.

"A data analysis," Inui mumbled, Writing something.


Sakina headed in the direction of her home swinging her arms.

Instead of heading home however, Sakina made a turn towards the direction of Kaijo High school.

Once Sakina Headed towards the entrance of Kaijo, She suddenly found herself wrapped in a tight embrace.

"Sakinacchi! I'm so happy you asked to see me!"

"K-kise! Let me go! You're crushing me," Sakina's muffled voice said.

Kise let go of Sakina and smiled at her. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" he asked.

"I want you to teach me how to copy techniques!" Sakina Stated.

Kise blinked for a couple of seconds. "Huh?"

"Well, Akashi said that I have the potential to learn how to copy since I have a really good eye for observation. He also said that to properly learn how to copy techniques, I should learn from you."

Kise frowned and looked away. "I don't know..."

"Please? You're the best at it. Pleeeease? Ry-o-ta?" Sakina asked, stretching out Kise's first name.

Kise blushed. "Kkay!"

Sakina smiled.

"Its a lot of work, But if you wanna learn then I guess I can teach you. But first, I want you to understand that you can only copy people who are of your skill level and lower. I can show you how I copy techniques but I don't know if it'll work for you." Kise stated.

"I'll practice Really hard!" Sakina responded.

Kise smiled. "Good. So, first things first, lets head to my house!"

Kise suddenly grabbed Sakina's hand and pulled her after him.

"Y-your house?! Why?"

"You'll see," Kise replied.

Once Kise and Sakina arrived at Kise's home, Sakina sat down on the couch as Kise hooked up his game system.

"I thought you were gonna teach me how to copy," Sakina mumbled.

"I am," Kise responded, holding out his hand.

On the t.v screen was a boy and girl posing with multiple different colored lights flashing. The title of the game was called Dance, Dance, and party the night away.

Sakina took Kise's hand and was pulled off the couch. "Why Are we playing a Dancing game? I'm trying to learn a copying technique," She said.

Kise smiled and winked, "Just go with it," he said.

Sakina sighed and stood beside Kise as he set up the game. The screen changes and showed a multitude of levels.

"Okay, I'm gonna dance and I want you to dance the exact same way. Pretty simple, Right?"

Sakina nodded. "I got it," She answered.

Kise presses a button and music started playing. Kise danced a bit before pressing pause. "Your turn!" He called out.

"I don't see the point of this," Sakina mumbled, taking a deep breath. She then tried to mimic Kise's dance moves. She stumbled a bit at the end.

Kise was silent. He then left the room and returned minutes later with a blind fold.

"Put this on and then do it again."
He ordered.

Sakina pouted. "I don't see how a blindfold is gonna help," She mumbled.

Sakina allowed Kise to put the blind fold on her before She attempted to mimic Kise's dance moves once again.

Once she was done, Sakina felt the blindfold being removed. She blinked rapidly due to the bright lights.

"How did I do?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Perfect," Kise responded. "But...I think you have the yips."

Sakina stared at Kise. "You think so too?"

Kise pondered for a moment. "If it helps, close your eyes for a bit."

Sakina sighed. "I guess I could do that. But Tennis is really hard,"

"You play tennis?"

"Oh, I forgot you didn't know about that. Yes, I do. That's why I wanted to learn how to copy. So I can get better at tennis," Sakina stated.

Kise was silent once again. "Muscle memory," he said finally.

"Muscle memory?" Sakina repeated.

Kise nodded. "Its when your body remembers certain physical movement's long after you have forgotten them. Since you're playing tennis I would recommend memorizing the technique first and then practicing that move until it is memorized by your muscles. Once you're body remembers those techniques, You'll become stronger and you'll be able to copy Once you see things more easily."

"I think I understand!" Sakina exclaimed.

Kise smiled, "I'm glad. I played a bit of tennis back in middle school so if you ever want any help you can ask me."

Sakina nodded. "I will. Its getting late, I should probably get going," She said.

"Wait! Can't you hang out some more! We never got to finish our game!" Kise whined. Tears were beginning to form around Kise's eyes.

Sakina sighed, "I guess so. But only for a little bit."


Two hours later, Sakina was fast asleep on Kise's Couch. Kise chuckled a bit before placing a blanket over her sleeping form.

"Sakinacchi is so cute when she sleeps," Kise murmured, dusting Sakina's hair out of her face. Kise blushed and slowly leaned closer to Sakina. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek before walking towards his bedroom for the night.

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