Episode 3

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Sakina  woke up and yawned before looking around at her unfamiliar surroundings. She climbed out of the bed and walked around. She opened the bedroom door and wandered into the kitchen. Spotting the refrigerator, she opened it and began pulling out food.

When Kagami entered the kitchen, he saw Sakina sitting in the middle of the floor eating snacks.

"Why are you eating food on the floor?" Kagami asked, confused.

Sakina looked up at him with her mouth full of food. She placed some more food into her mouth.

Kagami sighed and grabbed the food from her. "You shouldn't eat other people's food!" he stated, putting the food back in the fridge.

Sakina stood up and dusted the crumbs off herself. "I was hungry," she said simply.

Kagami rubbed his head. "Do you have Aomine's number? You should probably tell him where you are,"

Sakina nodded, "I do, But Onii-san is still sleep. I don't want to wake him and besides, I live alone,"

"You live alone?!" Kagami exclaimed, shocked.

Sakina nodded again. "Yeah, my dad travels and my mom is not here anymore. I wanted to live near Onii-san so dad rents me an apartment."

"I guess I understand," Kagami mumbled, looking away.

"Say, Kagami, do you live alone too? I didn't see your mom,"

Kagami nodded in response.
"Are you still hungry?" he asked.

Sakina nodded.

Kagami began grabbing ingredients and started cooking. Sakina watched him cook.

"Wow. You're so cool!" She said as the food was placed on the table. Sakina sat across from Kagami who blushed and rubbed his head. "Thanks," he mumbled.

Once Sakina and Kagami had eaten, the two left the house and headed to the park.

"I can walk you home," Kagami stated as he stood and stared at Sakina. Sakina shook her head. "Its fine. If you walk me home, Onii-san will get mad. Thank you for taking care of me Kagami. You're really amazing, especially at cooking!"

Kagami blushed again and nodded.

Sakina waved goodbye before walking away, heading towards her house. On her way she spotted a crowd of girls all gathered around a blonde boy.

As Sakina approached, she saw that the blonde boy was signing papers.

"Thank you, Kise!"

"You're so cool!"

A few girls said.

The blonde boy named Kise nodded and waved at the girl's as he attempted to walk past.
"I gotta go. I'm kinda in a hurry," he said.

Sakina suddenly got an idea.

"Oh my gosh! Is that the famous actor Ryuzaki!" Sakina yelled, turning around and pointing.

Sakina felt all the girl's eyes on her. Sakina squealed and began running. The crowd of girl's behind her began screaming and following after her. As Sakina rounded the corner she squished herself against the wall as the crowd ran right past her.

She sighed and began walking back to where Kise stood in utter shock.

"Wow...thank You so much!" Kise yelled, wrapping Sakina in a tight embrace.
"How can I ever repay you?!" he exclaimed.

"Well you can start by letting me go," Sakina's muffled voice replied.

Kise let her go and smiled. "Thanks again, if you didn't help me, who knows how long I would have been stuck here. I have to go to a photo shoot. Say, do you want to come with me?"

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