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Zayn looks around at the building in front of them, his eyes searching around when they catch sight of the sign outside. "I hate mini golf."

Liam frowns for a second before he's rolling his eyes and shrugging his shoulders. "Well, lucky for you it isn't just mini golf here."

Zayn smiles sheepishly, scolding himself for saying he disliked mini golf when really he's not even tried it, only once. Yet, the only time he went was with Niall and Justin and that didn't go well because the couple were packing up the PDA the whole time.

He startles when Liam reaches for his hand and intertwines their fingers together. Zayn looks down at their hands and grins, feeling his insides practically turn to mush because holy shit Liam is holding his hand in public where Zayn's just seen a whole family walk by them.

"You sure about this?" Zayn asks softly, his gaze still turned down and facing their hands. He looks up when he Liam squeezes his hand softly and sees the older man smiling down at him.

Liam pulls Zayn closer to him and with his free hand he runs the back of his fingers down Zayn's heated cheek lightly. "I want this, Zayn."

Zayn just nods his head and smiles while his teeth bite down on his bottom lip. He lets Liam lead them into Golf N Stuff, their fingers tangled together and swinging slightly between them.

When they walk in, Zayn's shocked to see quite the crowd of families milling around, he feels the nerves hit him once again. Liam just chuckles at the frightening look on Zayn's face.

"Don't worry. We've been on break for so long that they probably don't even know I'm someone famous." Liam states making Zayn snort and shake his head because how could anyone forget Liam's face that's been on TV's and magazines for years.

"Let's just not even worry about that yeah? Pretend we're both just normal guys on their first date." Liam tells Zayn who raises a brow.

"Right because every normal lads have a big bodyguard following them," Zayn replies, looking behind them and smiling at Paddy who's keeping his distance but still close enough to Liam.

Liam hums and looks behind him, "What bodyguard? I don't see a bodyguard Zayn, he's just my dad supervising our date."

Zayn snickers, "What? Who honestly lets their parents tag along with them on a date?"

Liam shrugs and chuckles along with Zayn who's finding the whole thing amusing. Zayn follows Liam into the building, letting the older man lead him towards the front where Liam pays for them. He doesn't bother fighting it, knows Liam won't budge about letting Zayn pay.

"Should we eat first, then play the games or have fun now and eat later?" Liam asks him as they stand towards the arcade part of the building.

Zayn shrugs, "Have fun, I suppose. Not too hungry right now."

Liam grins and tangles their fingers together before leading them past the arcade and through the back of the building. Zayn stares wide eyed at the mini golf course before he's being pulled to the left where he sees a whole different course.

Zayn stops dead in his tracks as he watches some of the kids whiz past him and run towards the course. He's shaking his head but Liam's just chuckling at him. "Oh c'mon, there's no way you can hate go karts."

Zayn pouts, "There is when you got beat last time by a ten year old who didn't stop gloating about his victory." Liam laughs at him, "You lost to a ten year old?"

Zayn narrows his eyes and pushes Liam back.

"Sorry, sorry. You don't even have to drive, you can seat passenger in mine if you want," Liam suggests, wiggling his brows up and down(Zayn's not too sure why he does that).

𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. ✧ 𝘻𝘪𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now