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justin: zayNNN

zayn: what's up?

justin: what's up with you? how are you

zayn: I'm fine?

justin: oh okay cool. that's good to know

zayn: ughhhhh

zayn: let me guess your fuckking boyfriend told you what happened

justin: no what are you talking about

zayn: liar liar

justin: ok

justin: he did but don't get upset with him

zayn: he can never keep shitt from you my god lmao

zayn: I don't mind that he told you

justin: oh okay good

justin: so can you tell me how you're really doing then ?

zayn: I'm good it's been like four weeks since everything happened

justin: ok but 1 have you talked to hemsy since then ?

justin: and 2 has pain texted you again ?

zayn: hemsy ?? lol

zayn: pain wtf ??

justin: um im trying to be nice and not say their name

zayn: ok well 1 no I haven't talked to hemsy since

zayn: and 2 yes he still texts me

zayn: he keeps asking if we could meet up in LA

justin: and ?? do you text back

zayn: yes I have to! He just keeps texting me until I do

justin: geez

zayn: I know I just want to go back to before he started texting me again

zayn: you know hemsy's name didn't even bother me after like the third week we met

zayn: I got over it because I knew he wasn't like the other one so it didn't bother me

zayn: but then payne had to come into my life again so easily and ruin that for me

zayn: every time hemsy would call me or we hung out after payne started texting me again I just felt so uneasy and I just couldn't do it anymore

justin: forget him man don't let him get to you. this is exactly what he wanted to happen and now he's thinking he's one step closer to getting you back

zayn: that's not gonna happen, I don't want it to

justin: I know and we both know he's on his way there to LA which means you gotta get outta there unless you want to have a run in with him

zayn: I don't but where the hell am I suppose to go?

zayn: I'm pretty sure I'm fine at home, he doesn't know where I live justin

justin: ok but do you wanna take that chance ?

justin: anyways my boyfriend, the brilliant little thing that he is, came up with a lovely plan 🙂

zayn: oh yeah? what is this lovely plan then?

justin: he wants you to come with us to new york

zayn: how is me being with you and niall going to keep me hidden

zayn: did you forget that paps follow you two around everywhere ? payne can easily see a picture of us and fly to ny

justin: yeah but we should be okay, I'm just going to new york to record something at the studio so we'll only be there and the hotel ?

justin: should be fine

zayn: idk I can just stay locked away in my house

justin: cmon we're inviting you so you can take your mind off of everything and have some fun in new york

zayn: ugh fine but only because a threesome might happen

justin: haha idk about that niall's a possessive little fuckerr 😏

zayn: hmm we'll see

justin: ha anyways make sure you're ready by 10 AM zayn no later got it ??

justin: niall's flying in from ireland and will meet us there

zayn: ugh wtf why so damnn early justin

zayn: whatever let me go to sleep cause 10 AM is so fukcing early


to all of you losers who made me zrake af at the moment, I just posted a oneshots book titled 'zrake feels' 🙄

go comment some ideas or prompts for me to write 'cause i'm dying to write some zrake. 😊

-hailey 🌺

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