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liam payne: hi zain

liam payne: it's been three weeks

liam payne: when are u going to reply to my texts again ?

liam payne: i'm sorry for what happened

zayn: no you aren't.

liam payne: ok I'm not but u know why I'm not sorry at all

zayn: cause you just like ruining me

liam payne: no because I love you

liam payne: so when u break up with some guy who's not me then yeah I'm not gonna be sorry

liam payne: cause I don't care about him, u shouldn't either

zayn: fukc you liam ! It's all your fukcing fault I had to break up with him anyways

liam payne: cause u still love me

zayn: no that's not fukcing it at all dude

liam payne: it is. why else would u find a fukcing guy who has the same damnn name as me zayn

liam payne: how fukcing ironic huh ???

zayn: fukc you liam that's not true at all damnit

zayn: I had to break up with him because every time I hear his name or see his name on my phone all I fukcing think about now is you and how you screwed me over

zayn: I was fine with him and I had no fukcing problem with his name being the same as yours because I had fukcing dealt with what you did to me

zayn: I got over the fact that you two had the same name because I knew he wasn't you and he'd never fukc me over like you did

zayn: and then out of nowhere you fukcing come strolling back into my life and texting me and ruining my fukcing relationship

zayn: he was such a fukcing sweet guy and he cared and he was so nice to me i fukcing hate you for ruining that for me

liam payne: he's not the one for u anyways

liam payne: so please let me see u so I can make everything right with you

liam payne: cause i love you and I am the one for you zayn ok

zayn: no I don't want to see you. fuckk you

liam payne: I love you zayn and I'll be in LA soon

liam payne: please let me see u so I can talk to you in person and fix this

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