Chapter 5 - Comfort

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"Lottie." I looked up from my book in the new manor house.

"Yes, Uncle Charles."

"His majesty wishes and audience with you. Immediately." I stood up leaving my book on the chair he hands me a cloak and led me to my mare.

"Ya" I start riding fast till I reached the palace. Charles lead me to his majesty office.

"Your Majesty, Lady Charlotte Brandon." he nodded for me to enter so I did. I curtsied

"Your majesty."

"Lottie come here." I looked at the door and my Uncle had not followed me.

"Does something trouble your majesty?" I ask removing my hood and trying to calm my breathing.

"A good man will die tomorrow."

"What do you mean, Henry" he stared out of the window

"Sir Thomas More has always been a good friend to me."

"Then why shall he die."

"He did not take the oath." I sigh.

"You should not blame yourself."

"But I do." I turn him to face me.

"I have heard of him from my uncle and he is a good man and...I do not know what word I can say to ease the pain you are clearly going through."

"I know it makes you uncomfortable to sit alone with I, but I feel that you might be the right person to confide in. I do not wish him to die but I cannot relent only make it a quick and painless death. As I ask for you to stay at court for the night so that I may feel you presence when the time comes." For once I had seen a King vulnerable, it was a sore sight but the most humane.

"As you wish it, my lord." I take a deep breath "If it might ease you pain I could speak to Sir Thomas."

"You would do that."

"You have become a friend I know that my Uncle and I are pained to see you in such a state. If I might ease your burden by being help then I would gladly be of service." he nodded


"Visitor, Sir Thomas." I walked in and removed my hood.

"Sir Thomas" I bowed my head

"I do not believe we've met."  I walked in closer

"I am Lady Charlotte Brandon, Niece of his Grace the Duke of Suffolk and a confidant to his majesty."

"It is very nice to meet you."

"As it is you, though I wish it was on better circumstances." I sat down on a stool after it was offered to me.

"His most grievous upon what has become of your fate. While he wishes not, off the forthcoming events he knows that even though he wish he could he cannot save you."

"I bare not damnation upon his majesty nor do I blame him such. He has not forced me into any such acts and I leave of my own free will." I nod "Lady Charlotte, you say you are the confidant of his majesty."

"Yes, Sir Thomas"

"He has graced you with Kindness he has never shown a woman." ah

"Yes, to my surprise he is very respectful of my wishes and morals. Even though they sometime become monotonous."

"He is a good man. Would you pass a message on to his most gracious majesty."

"I will, Sir."

"Tell him he is not at fault, and that I will leave this world knowing I was privilege to be in his good graces. And beseech him to have mercy upon my family."

"I will." I stood and curtsied

"Lady Charlotte." I turned back

"His majesty does not give away such feeling easily. I hope you count yourself lucky as I did. We have our standards but I ask you not to let them become in the way if a opportunity which I feel  might grace upon your kind self." I did not know what it meant but I bowed my head once more and knocked on the door.

"Jailer!" I call and he coms to open up


"You majesty." It was the next morning and I had been summoned

"Lottie, you spoke to sir Thomas."

"I did he asked me to tell you that you are not at fault and that he will leave this world knowing it was privilege to be in your good graces." he nods I clear my throat. "He also beseeches you to have mercy upon his family."

"Was that all?" he sat clutching his hands

"Yes,....Henry." he looked towards me. "I know you feel remorse for what is about to happen, maybe you could perhaps make it a little lighter on his family. They took the oath and mourn now.  Even if it is a small house or some coins. Something to not ruin a family."

"Yes, yes. I will think about it" he stood up and I knew I saw unshed tears. I stood and followed him as the bell chimed. When it stopped he screamed and broke down.

"Henry" he turned  and clutched onto me crying. He sank us both to the ground and I held him. No words could soothe his pain.


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