Geek to Chic Chapter 19 (Final Chapter)

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Okay guys, so this is the last Chapter of 'Geek to Chic'!! I would like to thanks you millions for reading this story, it means a bunch! I truly thought nobody would read this, but now seeing over 500 hunderd's crazy! Thank you so much! Thanks to all my friends for reading this too! You know who you are;) I would tag you but I haven't quite figured out how to yet..anyway I will let you read now...<3


I just got home from telling my therapist everything that happened, and she said she knew all along that I would end up with Adam, I just needed to figure it out for myself. 

I also just invited Georgie over and she'll be here anytime now. I seriously can't believe how my terrible life has turned around and is now an amazing life. When I first started the school I had no friends, no boyfriend, ever in my life, and all I had was an arch enemy which isn't the best thing to help you through life. But now I have all of those things, including the arch enemy. I suppose Michaela will never come to terms with me, but to be honest with you, I couldn't actually care less!

Oh I just heard someone at the door, it must be Georgie.

I run down the stairs and open the door, only to find it's Michaela!! How does she know where I live?! Oh my god, she's come to kill me because she found out i'm now dating her ex-boyfriend who she still loves! Why do my mum and dad have to be out??

"Um, what are you doing here?" I ask nervously incase she's planning to hurt me.

"Just let me in and I'll tell you why, you freak" she says bitterly, pushing past me.

Obviously I have to let her in, because she's Michaela and if I don't then...I don't even want to know what would happen to me.

She walks into my living room and sits down on the sofa, I do the exact same.

"I've heard my mother is your therapist" she said glaring at me.

"Yeah, but I never asked her to be, I just found an abandoned looking house in the middle of nowhere and I wanted to explore and then that woman, which I now know is your mum, dragged me in against my will, so don't be horrible to me about it because it wasn't my fault she decided to be my therapist" I say looking down at my hands.

"Why are you instantly assuming I want to hurt you and be horrible to you about it?" she says looking at me curiously.

"Well, because that's what you normally do!" I say honestly.

"Well I'm not going to this time, so you can relax. I just wanted you to know that my mum told me everything, and apparently you know everything about me" she says looking away at the end of her sentence.

"Yes I do, but if you think I would tell anyone about it then you're wrong because I would never do such a horrible thing!" I say hoping she'll believe me.

"Good, because if you did, I swear to god, I would never let you forget it." She said, her eyes watering from tears.

"I know you can't stand me Michaela, but you can trust me, that's for sure" I say giving her a reassuring smile.

She smiles briefly and then goes back to her glaring ways. Well at least I know, deep down inside she does have a heart!

"Can I ask you something?" I ask curious.


"I was just wondering, how on earth did you find out where I live and why on earth did your mum/ my therapist, tell you all of my problems?" I ask quite annoyed about the second question.

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