Geek to Chic Chapter 10

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We arrived at the beach within 10 minutes. Wow it's packed! Hopefully nobody will notice me from school.

My mum brought a bag packed with sun-cream, towels, books, snacks etc. Wow my mum came prepared where as I brought absolutely nothing apart from my sunglasses. 

We start walking towards the least packed area of the beach and we find a nice sandy spot to lay our towels down on. 

"I'm going to get some chips, would you like some darling?" My mum says getting her purse out of her bag.

"Yeah sure, thanks" I say smiling.

She walks towards the cafe and disapears inside the building. I inhale the fresh air, I haven't been to the beach in ages. I forgot how beautiful the views were. 

A girl with blonde hair tied back into a long pleat, wearing a white flowey dress, comes walking towards me smiling. I smile back. Wait I think I recognise her, that's one of Michaela's friends!! Wow, mission to be invisible, failed.

She sits down next to me on my mums towel. Excuse me but who the heck does she think she is?!

"Hi Aubrey"

"Uhh, hi" I say smiling nervously. Crap I bet she's here to beat the crap out of me.

"I don't know if you know me already but I'm one of Michaela's friends, my name is Georgia but people normally call me Georgie." She said holding her hand out for me to shake.

I slowly reach my hand out to shake it, but I then realise she was just checking her nails out so now I'm just sitting here with my hand held out like a retard. I quickly bring my hand back to my side.

"Nice to meet you, I was just wondering, has Michaela sent you over here to beat me up or something?" I ask nervously. What?! I had to ask.

"No, she's not even here. Don't worry" She says laughing to herself.

"Oh, okay good" I let a small sigh of relief out.

"I don't really like Michaela anyway, so she can't tell me what to do" she said smiling at me.

"How come?"

"Well she always looks down her nose at me and I can never really act like myself around her because she is so bosy and controlling." She says looking down at the sand.

"Tell me about it, she's hated me since day 1" I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah she always talks about you, and tells everyone how much she hates you. But I don't think your as bad as she says you are" 

"Thanks, at least there's one decent girl in that school" I say laughing to myself.

"Thanks, do you mind if I hang around with you until my brother comes back with my food?" She asks playing with her bare feet.

"Yeah sure, my mum has just gone to get me some chips so I wasn't really doing anything anyway"

We sat there for around 20 minutes just laughing and joking around before my mum got back with the chips. 

"I think I had better leave you two alone now, but heres my number so we can keep in touch outside of school" Georgie said handing me a piece of paper with her number written on it.

"Okay, thanks" I say smiling at her. 

She walks over to her brother and then waves at me before walking away.

"She seems like a nice girl, who is she?" My mum asks eating her chips.

"Her names Georgie. She goes to my school" I say starting to dig into my chips.

"Well I'm glad to see that you have started to make some friends" 

My mum knows that I have never had much luck making friends, so she's probably as shocked as I am at the moment. It looks like my luck is getting a bit better, hopefully Georgie isn't the type of girl who pretends to be nice to you then goes behind your back and says a load of horrible rubbish about you. But I really don't think she is, she seems really nice. Much nicer than all the other girls that go to that school, and we both have something in common, we both really dislike Michaela!

Hopefully we can become really good friends, but she probably has other friends that are much cooler than me so I don't think she would really bother with me that much, even though she did give me her number but she probably only did it to be nice.

After spending another 2 hours on the beach and failing to get a sun tan, me and my mum finally go home. I never tan, I always burn in the sun.

Well finally it looks like I have actually made a friend, possibly. I'm still not 100% sure if Michaela has sent Georgie over to me to get some inside gossip or not. But I will just have to wait and see how things go. 

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