Geek to Chic Chapter 12

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*Monday, after school*

Oh my god, I can't believe what happened today. Okay so it started off like every other Monday morning, Adam and I walked to school together, I wanted to tell him what I knew but I knew I couldn't do that to Georgie because I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone and I don't break my promises. Okay so it was second lesson, Maths, when my day started to get weird. Michaela was actually being nice to me for once, whether Georgie said something to her or not, I have no clue. But it was nice to actually not get picked on in school for once.

Then at lunch, Adam and I were talking as usual, but he said to me that he would like to meet up with me after school today, well the answer to that was no because I have tons of homework to do all week long, I did agree to meet up with him after school on Friday though. It doesn't seem that weird I know, but to me it is, I have never hung out with a boy before, outside of school on my own. Well if I did it was because he wanted to beat me up or something. 

Okay maybe I was a bit dramatic about how my day went, but I'm a dramatic person. I'm like marmite, you either love me or you hate me. Most people hate me, but at least I have 2 people that like me, no I don't mean my mum and dad, I mean Georgie and Adam. Okay if you include my mum and dad it would be 4 people that like me. I'm starting to realise how sad that is to only have 2 friends, but if they are loyal, trustworthy, kind and fun to be around then I don't care if I only had 1 friend, as long as they had that kind of personality. But I have 2 friends like that and that's a bonus for me.

Anyway, it's midnight and I'm sitting in my bed under my warm bed sheets just scrolling down through Adam's profile page. I'm a stalker, I admit it! But I soon realise his relationship status has changed from being 'Single' to 'It's Complicated' wait so does that mean that Adam and Michaela are thinking about getting back together? Great, just as I thought he was starting to like me, he goes and does that. I know I shouldn't be shocked, why would he like me in that way? I'm in no way appealing to anyone, I bet blind people would even think I'm ugly. 

Oh well, I suppose me and Adam will just have to be friends then, maybe he wanted to meet up with me today, to tell me about him and Michaela getting back together. Also maybe thats why Michaela was being nice to me today because she knew she had another chance with Adam, it's all starting to make sense now!

*Adam's POV*

I can't stop thinking about Aubrey, shes so perfect. Shes kind, beautiful, caring, funny, trustworthy and again beautiful. She just doesn't realise it. I was going to tell her how I felt about her today after school but she had homework to do all week, so we are meeting up on Friday instead, I am so nervous to tell her that I love her. I know it makes me sound gay but boys can get nervous too when they tell girls how they feel about them.

I changed my relationship status to 'It's Complicated' because it is complicated, I really like Aubrey but she doesn't know it, yet. But I'm hoping that when I tell her how I feel about her, she will end up liking me back too, but that probably won't happen. If she doesn't like me back in that way then I suppose we will just have to be friends. It might be difficult but I will hopefully learn to live with it.

I hope she doesn't think that relationship status was about someone else because otherwise that would just mess everything up. But hopefully she realises it's about her, even though that would kind of make it pretty awkward tomorrow at school.

Oh well I suppose I will just have to wait until Friday to tell her how I feel. 

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