Geek to Chic Chapter 11

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Okay guys I have decided I'm not just going to update on Fridays now, I will update whenever I feel like it, so it should be more frequent. If you're still reading  to this point then thank you! xx

Oh my god! Georgie actually wants to come round my house today! I never thought this day would come, when someone wants to hang out with me. I can't believe it! It's 11:00am and I still haven't got dressed yet. 11:00am is seriously early for me, I love my sleep. 

I quickly jump out of my bed and run into the bathroom, I get in the shower and let the warm water run down my body. After around 15 minutes I get out the shower and dry my hair. Then I quickly throw on some clothes. I finally put on some make-up and brush my teeth. Wow, that was a rush. 

Georgie said she would be here at 12:00pm and its 11:30am. I go out into the hallway and run down the stairs and into the kitchen. I quickly make some toast and eat it within a minute. 

*30 mins later*

Me and Georgie are just on my bed sitting opposite eachother talking about random things and laughing from time to time.

"Georgie can I ask you something?" I ask unsure of whether I should ask it or not.

"Yeah sure, you can ask me anything" She says smiling 

"Well, you don't have to answer this but I was just wondering whether you knew anything about Adam and Michaela's past relationship" I say rushing all the words out.

Her smile instantly fades "Um yeah I know about it, why?" 

"Well I have heard Adam's side of the story and as you are so close to Michaela I was wondering If I could hear her side of the story, but from you not her." I say fiddling with my bed sheets.

"Well I suppose I could tell you. Just as long as you promise not to tell a living soul" She said holding her pinky finger up.

I wrap mine around hers "I pinky promise I won't tell another living soul about this" I say finally pulling my pinky away from hers.

She sighs and then just lets the words flow out of her mouth, "Well as you already know they were going out a while ago, well Michaela loved Adam with all her heart. But she got introduced to some bad people and they offered her some...things to take. I don't even like to think about it. Well anyway everything just went downhill from there, her attendance in school, her school work and her relationship with Adam. She also slept with another boy in a different school, and that's when her and Adam broke up. He wouldn't give her a chance to explain why she did it, he just left her because apparently he was too heartbroken to even look at her, but he didn't realise that she was more heartbroken than he ever was. It wasn't her fault she did those things, the drugs kind of took over her body and controlled what she was doing, but she feels so stupid and guilty now and just wants him back. But she knows that he likes you and that's one reason why she totally depises you" She says all in a rush.

I sit there with my mouth open. I can't believe it, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Micheala, no wonder she has been a bitch to me, I think I would be a bitch to me as well if I was her. But it's still not really necessary to be like this towards me.

After around a minute of awkward silence I finally manage to say something, "Oh" okay I know it's not much but what else could I say?

"Yeah, that's why I don't really like talking about it, because it was a really hard time for Michaela"

"I understand now, but how come you said to me yesterday that you didn't really like her?" I ask confused.

"Well I don't like how she has turned out, she's controlling and bitchy, but the reason I stick around her is because I know what she went through in the past" She says forcing a smile onto her lips.

"Thats really sweet of you, you're such a loyal and lovely friend" I say giving her a wide smile.

"Thank you, at least someone realises it" she says letting out a small laugh.

"And thank you for telling me, I know it must of been really hard for you" I say putting my hand on her shoulder to reasure her I will always be there for her.

She smiles at me and hugs me "You are such a sweet girl Aubrey, don't ever change" she says pulling away.

After that, we just watched some films and ate some chocolate and sweets. At around 8:00pm she left, as it is a school night.

Wow, I can't believe she trusted me enough to tell me that. I mean she's only just met me properly and now shes telling me a really deep secret of hers and Michaelas. But I have pinky promised I won't tell anyone, I always keep my promises. Maybe from now on I should cut Michaela some slack, hopefully if I start being nice to her, she will be nice to me. Haha, she will probably start being nice to me when pigs start to grow wings and fly. So in other words...Never!!

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