Geek to Chic Chapter 13

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*Aubrey's POV*

Adam and I are walking to school again, just talking about random things that pop into our heads. But I couldn't hold it back much longer, I had to mention his relationship status, it was really starting to bug me.

"Adam why did you change your relationship status to 'It's Complicated?" I ask butting into what he was saying already.

"W-what?" He stutters as if I caught him of guard or something.

"You heard me, who is it about? Michaela?" I say spitting out her name.

"No, why would you think it's about Michaela?" He asks confused.

"I don't know, I-I just wondered" I say stuttering. I need to keep my mouth shut otherwise I will blow Georgie and Michaela's secret and I can't do that, no matter how much I hate Michaela.

We reach the school building and before we go off into our separate classes he says "You will find out on Friday" and then just strolls off. 

Why do I have to wait till Friday? Why can't he just tell me now, it's not like it's some massive secret, I mean, It's so obviously about Michaela.

I start walking towards my class and when I walk in and sit down next to Michaela, she's back to her horrible ways again.

"Ugh, when are you leaving this school lesbo" She says in the most spiteful way ever.

"Not until we graduate, we've been through this before. Also there is nothing wrong with lesbians, but I'm not one so, stop calling me one please because that's a complete and utter lie." I say trying to keep calm.

"You think you're all that don't you?" She glares at me "Well let me tell you this, you are worthless and pathetic, nobody likes you so why don't you just go and die?!" She says nearly shouting.

Wow that hurt.

"I have been bullied all my life for no reason, you are nothing compared to other bullies so why don't you shut your big, fat, plastic face for once in your life and piss off?!" I say going red from anger.

I'm completely shocked at what I did next, I slapped her around the face, I actually slapped her. It wasn't just a tiny, pathetic slap, it was a full on whack, her cheek is bright red.

I think I either did it because I was jealous about her and Adam or because she is a bitch and she deserved it. Or both of those reasons.

Next thing I know she jumped on top of me and punched my face, multiple times before the teacher came in and broke up the fight. 

"GIRLS STOP IT RIGHT NOW" Miss Pringle screamed at the top of her lungs pulling Michaela off of me.

"What on earth is going on here?" She said sounding extremely cross and concerned.

"Aubrey slapped me so I hit her back, that's what I've been taught to do by my parents Miss, I was only sticking up for myself" She said acting all innocent. Man she is an amazing actress!

"Is this true Aubrey?" Miss asked looking at me now.

"Yes, but only because she has been bullying me from day one Miss, so I was only sticking up for myself" I say pleading for her to believe me.

"Well I will have to give both of you a detention, I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my class" She says getting two detention slips from her desk at the other side of the room.

Brilliant, I haven't been here for a month yet and I have already got my first detention because I was being bullied, I mean how is that in the least bit fair?! I change my mind about Michaela, she is just pure evil, forget her past, she's being a twat to me and all I have ever been is nice. So she doesn't deserve my sympathy or friendship. 

My nose is bleeding and I'm pretty sure I have a black eye, yet Miss isn't even saying or doing anything to help me. This school is completely useless.

I walk out of the classroom door as fast as I can, as soon as I'm out of the school building, I run and run, I don't know where I'm going but as long as I am nowhere near that school or Michaela I don't care where I am. I just know I need to get away from here.

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