Geek to Chic Chapter 6

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I'm sitting in my maths class next to Michaela while she's throwing bits of screwed up paper at me. I don't want to tell Miss Pringle because then I will have a new nickname ' Tell tale' or something like that and I think I've had enough horrible nicknames to last me a lifetime. So I'm just sitting here being as quite as a mouse.

"Hey Michaela, I saw Adam and Strawberry Aubrey walking to school together today" whispered the girl sitting the other side of Michaela. 

Oh no, I'm dead meat. I look at Michaela out of the corner of my eye trying not to make my head face in her direction.

"Oi, freaky lesbian is that true?" she said through gritted teeth, oh no, what am I supposed to say now? I mean without her kiling me in this classroom.

"Um, yeah, but only because we live next door to each other. There's no other reason" I say quickly before she can jump to conclusions.

"You listen to me, if you don't stay away from him then I will make your life hell" She said getting closer to me.

I slowly lean away from her in case she hits me, "Well you don't decide who I hang out with, I will hang around who I want and you don't have any say in that" I say glaring at her.

"Fine, you keep on hanging around him, but he will soon realise how much of a freak you are and then he will leave you, so if I were you, I would stop hanging around him now otherwise your pathetic little heart will end up getting broken and disappointed when you find out he doesn't like you" She said bitterly.

"Yeah, well let me just tell you one thing. I think you're just jealous because you know he will never like you, and you can't stand the fact that he's actually hanging around me. So I think you should actually get over him honey otherwise YOUR pathetic little heart will get broken and disappointed." Wow, I'm actually standing up for myself. Without getting hit in the face! 

I spoke too soon, she just punched me right in the nose and now I'm lying on the floor with blood dripping down my face. 

"Oh my goodness, what on earth happened here?" Miss Pringle said in a worried tone

"Michaela punched me in the nose Miss" I say hoping to get her excluded from this school

"Why on earth would I hit you Aubrey? I think she might have concusion Miss, she doesn't know what she's saying" Michaela says acting all innocent

"What?! I know perfectly well what I'm saying, Miss please believe me, why would I lie about that? You can clearly see the blood dripping down my nose and It's not like I just got out of my seat to have a little lie down on the floor!" I say begging her to believe me.

"Girls, be quiet." Miss said getting stressed

"Michaela, it is a bit obvious that you hit Aubrey so I'm going to have to give you a detention, and Aubrey would you like to go to the toilets to clean up?" 

"Yes, thank you miss" I say smiling

"I'm going to get you for this" Michaela whispered to me

I walk out of the classroom and I find Adam coming out of the toilets. He see's me and smiles but as soon as he see's the blood dripping from my nose, his face goes as white as a ghost and he rushes over to me.

"Oh my god, what happenend?" He said putting his arm around me leading me to the toilets.

"Michaela punched me in the nose, because I stood up for myself when she was being a bitch to me" 

"She punched you? Right that's it, I'm going to have a word with her, she can't keep treating you like this" he said about to turn around to go into my classroom, but I grab his arm to stop him.

"No please don't, she already hates me as it is because she's knows I walked to school with you, I don't want her thinking I'm getting you to do my dirty work for me" .

He looks deep into my eyes and strokes my face, "I don't want her bullying you like this Aubrey" he says quietly

I'm blushing so much I probably look like Rudolph's red nose. I can't believe he's actually stroking my face and taking my side over hers. He's so sweet to me!

"Don't worry, I can look after myself, if I do need help, you will be the first person I come to" I say gently removing his hand from my cheek.

"Anyway I have to go and clean up, I will see you around though." 

I start walking towards the toilets, just before I go into the toilets I turn around to see Adam but I realise he's heading towards my classroom. Oh no, he's going to make things so much worse. 

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