Geek to Chic Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: I Was thinking I should update the next chapter now as I keep updating it late! Anyway here it is... sorry for all the long waiting:)

Instead of cleaning the blood off of my face I run over to my classroom to find Adam pinning Michaela against the wall, I can just about hear what Adam is saying to her.

"If you even touch Aubrey again, you will have me to deal with"

Michaela was shaking at this point, she probably never expected her crush to be pinning her against the wall and threatening her. But I suppose she does deserve this.

"And you don't want to know what I will do to you if you lay another finger on Aubrey, I never normally hit girls, but you really deserve it. You're lucky I haven't already hit you, but I'm just warning you Michaela, back off" He said letting go of her and walking over to me with a face like thunder.

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the classroom and in the direction of the uni-sex toilets. Once we get into the toilets he grabs some tissues and wets them in the sink. He then slowley and gently dabs the blood off my face.

"Why did you do that when I asked you not to?" I asked a bit hurt that he didn't listen to me.

"Because she deserved it, I don't want people being like this to you Aubrey" He says still dabbing the blood off of my face.

"Why do you care so much?" I ask bewildered. 

"Because, I feel this need to protect you" He says looking deep into my eyes.

"But why though? Why me?" 

"I don't know, there's something special about you Aubrey, and I can't quite place my finger on what it is" He says putting the tissue in the bin next to him.

I smile at him, blushing. Wow did Adam Smith, just call me special?! Did he also say he feels the need to protect me?! Oh my god I think I'm dying right now. Oh, what's he doing?! He's leaning in to kiss me, how do I do this I've never kissed a boy before?! 

I close my eyes and wait for his lips to touch mine. Just as I feel his top lip touch mine, Miss Pringle walks in. What is her problem? Why does she have to ruin my 'almost' first kiss?! As Michaela would say, she's just got on my bad side.

"Sorry to interupt your smooching session but I think you both better get back to class now otherwise you will both be in detention" she says sternly.

Smooching session?! Unless you haven't noticed, our lips barley even touched, so how on earth is that a smooching session? Can someone please tell me because I would really like to know.

"Sorry miss" we both say at the same time.

Before we both head off to our classes we give eachother a quick smile and then walk off.

I walk into the classroom and everyone is staring at me as if they'd just witnessed a murder scene. I walk over to my seat, while everyone is STILL staring at me. I don't see why, It's not as if I did anything, it was Michaela and Adam.

"I'm sorry" Michaela mumbles as I sit down in my seat.

Woah, did I actually just hear Michaela say SORRY to ME?! Wow I never thought I would ever hear that come out of her mouth.

I give her a closed mouth smile and don't say anything.

I can't believe it, Michaela actually said sorry to me and Adam and I almost kissed, wow my life seems to be turning out pretty good. For once.

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