Chapter 15

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School had started up again. This year was different. This year was their senior year. They ruled the school. They were at the top.
It was also sad because it was their last year. The last year they would spend together. The last year they would be seeing each other daily. It could possibly even be the last time they ever communicate with each other.
She entered the school and went to the usual spot. Quinn, Brittany and Santana compared their schedule like they always did.
"I have you for History, Math and English." Brittany squealed.
"I have you for Chemistry AP, Spanish and English." Quinn said.
"Our last year as The Unholy Trinity. Let's give these loser one last taste of what it feels like to be in our presence." The three girls nodded and made their way down the hall.
Back in Freshman year, she had planned out her whole high school career. Obviously, things changed and the goals she had back then were not the ones she had now.
Senior year was the most important year according to her 14 year old self. She was going to rule the school, look hot everyday, be captain of the Cheerios, win prom queen and many other things.
She had different goals in her mind now. She still wanted to look hot, but she wasn't on the Cheerios anymore and she had no intention of going back. She had no interest in prom queen either. She wanted to get into college. She wanted to make something of herself. She wanted to be the best mother for Nicholas. 14 year old Santana had no idea that she would be caring for a baby at 17, but then again, 14 year old Santana also believed she was straight. She grew up and matured and her goals changed as she grew.
She entered her Spanish class.
"Buenos Dias, Santana." Mr. Schue greeted.
"Buenos Dias, Mr. Schue." She said taking the seat next to Quinn. They did the usual first day of school tradition: Introduce themselves and state an interesting fact. It was so boring. She watched as the people went up. She wasn't really paying attention. She just kept track of how many people went up so she knew when it was her turn.
"Name is Santana Lopez and one interesting fact is that my homegirl Q and I are hotter than all you losers here." Santana smirked.
"Slut." Someone coughed.
"Thank you for the presentation, Santana. Take a seat." Mr. Schue interrupted. "As for the rest of you, We will not tolerate bullying in this classroom."
Santana could really care less what they said as long as they didn't talk about her son. She had pictures of Nicholas on her binder and in her locker. He was even her lock screen and home screen on her phone. It was no secret that she had a son. If having a son made her a slut then so be it. She was unbothered.
"Ms. Denico already gave homework." Brittany pouted.
"We always get homework on the first day of school, B."
"I had hope that maybe we wouldn't get some this year." She sighed as she took a bite of her sandwich.
"How's Nic?" Quinn asked. Quinn was always asking on updates. She was always giving her things for the baby as well. It was sweet, but she knew it had to do with her unresolved Beth issues.
"He's great. I've been trying to teach him how to talk and how to walk. He loves the stuffed animal by the way. Thanks." Quinn smiled.
She entered the choir room. She couldn't help, but feel a bit sad that it was going to be here last year there. She had enjoyed glee club. She would deny it if anyone asked, but it was the best part of her day. She would miss it.
"Welcome back!" Mr. Schue smiled. "Many of you are graduating this year. Let's make your last year a good one and win Nationals." Everyone cheered. Everyone had their eye on one target. Nationals. Their last year would not be another failure.
"Mr. Schue, maybe we should start planning earlier for Nationals." Rachel said. "Maybe starting now."
"Okay, don't get ahead of yourself Rachel. I do agree with starting earlier, but not this early. Maybe we should start in January instead of February. Agreed?"
"Agreed." They all nodded. Mr. Schue assigned the first assignment and they were ready to go.
Nicholas was playing on the living room.
"Hey baby." Santana smiled as she entered the door. He raised his arms to signify he wanted to be picked up. She picked him up and kissed his cheek. "Were you a good boy for abuela?" Nicholas gurgled.
"I tried to get him to talk today. No luck. No luck with trying to get him to walk either." Maribel said.
"Maybe I'll have better luck." She walked up to her room. "C'mon Nic, can you say mami. Say mami. Mami." He just stared at her. Santana sighed.
She held his hands as she helped him walk.
"Good boy." She praised. She let go. He was unsteady for a few seconds and then he fell. Santana shook her head. Maybe tomorrow would be better.
She put Nicholas in the baby walker while she worked on her English homework. It was easy and she finished it quite fast.
She sat outside on the porch swing with Nicholas on her lap. The night sky always made her feel at peace and calm and it seemed to do the same with Nicholas. He loved looking at the stars and moon. Nicholas snuggled closer into Santana. She rubbed his back. It helped him sleep. She stayed outside for a while more just listening to Nicholas' breathing. His tiny hands were clinging to her shirt. She kissed the top of his head. She would always cherish nights like those.

Literally I have no idea what any of those baby stuff were before this. I was searching stuff like "baby walky thingy" and hoping for the best. If you saw my search history it's just a whole bunch of baby ____ thingy.
On another note, 8 more chapters before the story ends. I finally found a place for it to end so if everything goes as plan it'll be ending on Chapter 23.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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