Chapter Seven

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We are sitting in the same seating as we were yesterday, but this time I got introduced to the other boys. The older one around my age was Kyle, he was also extremely hot and gave me approving stares which made me want to hit him.

The younger one around fifteen was Tyler, he gave me shy lopsided grins, he's so adorable! He even had tiny little dimples! The next is another boy around fifteen, Loren, looked like he didn't care but I notice him give Tyler shy glances, I wonder if anyone else has noticed?

The last was a boy around twenty or so, he's the hottest and he gave me a suggestive grin he was Seb, I might've returned it too, not sure, it could've been a smirk. Now that I was introduced we started getting into business.

Mr Franklin cleared his throat and said, "I'll tell you things that will be heightened to you, like your hearing, smell, feeling and taste. But it's also what you taste, it won't be normal and I'm pretty sure Morgan has already explained to you about smelling certain things."

He looked at Ms Summers or Morgan I should say, and she nodded. I made my self not blush, but I did look at Luke to see him smirking then at Charles who looked like he was scolding his brother.

Mr Franklin continued, "So we'll do tests to strengthen your senses so that you won't be weak when you come to."

I nodded, "But I'm still weak physically now, I couldn't fight off those men when they got me."

Mr Franklin nodded and looked at me with respect, thinking I must be smart or something.

"We thought of that, so I've set up training sessions with the boys'. You'll have the mature ones," he looked at the older ones, not the fifteen-year old's, "Hopefully they won't be too rough."

"Can't make any promises," Luke said, and the others chuckled with him in agreement.

"Will I be as strong as them?" I ask.

Mr Franklin replied, "I'm actually not sure, maybe, it's most likely you'll have more stamina and strength. But they have been training since they were very young, you'll have to train hard."

I nodded in understanding. I mean it's not like I can go into battle with no training and expect to beat them all because I'm 'special'. "When do we start?"

Mr Franklin looked around the room, until he landed on Charles. Charles replied, "After we've explained all the major parts of the transformation."

I still can't quite comprehend still that I'm a Werewolf, and that everyone except Morgan, is one too. Since when did Twilight become real? I seriously hope there are no sparkling, ugly things around, like Edward Cullen. I shuddered at the thought of him.

Mr Franklin continued, "I also think it's safer if you always have one of us around, we don't want a repeat of last night."

I nodded in agreement, I don't want to be kidnapped and the fact that others know about me already is getting to me.

"Most days after school you come back here, just until you've finished your transformation. Charles told me that you tried to change again today. They seem to be coming more regularly then normal." He seemed genuinely interested, I felt like a science experiment.

"Maybe it's because I'm a girl!" I say sarcastically.

Some of the guys smirked and snickered at me while he just glared, "We will also lay ground rules and packs."

"Packs?" I ask interested now.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Duh, ever heard of a pack of wolves?"

"Duh, ever heard of shutting up?" I said to him annoyed that he treated me like a child.

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