Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I felt a nudging in my side, a constant poke in the same spot it was extremely annoying. I wacked whoever it was and put a pillow over my head again, trying to go back to sleep. But that didn't seem to be happening because that person decided to take off the bed covers, fuck sake. I sat up and glared at Charles.

"Why are you trying to wake me up?" I say while fighting the urge to yawn.

"You have breakfast then training, as much as I would love to stay and cuddle, but we have to leave." He said walking to the door looking back at me. "I'll meet you down at the dining room."

Once he left I groaned and slipped out of bed. I find my training outfit but decide to get a shirt as well, since I'm going down for breakfast, it might be deemed inappropriate if I wear just a training bra and shorts. I go into the bathroom and looked at myself.

Still the same black hair that reached down passed my waist. Still the same pale skin and bright blue eyes, but now there's black bags hanging beneath them, taunting me, reminding me how stressed out I was. I brushed my hair before tying it up and getting changed.

I go down to the dining room, smelling the amazing aroma of eggs, bacon, muffins and coffee. I almost ran into Seb. He steadied me, so I didn't fall and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Where are you going that's got you into such a rush?"

"Food." That's all I needed to say for him to laugh and move out of my way.

I quickly walked and got there in record time, everyone was seated at the dining table eating and talking about different things. I grabbed a plate and piled food onto it then grabbing a coffee, I sit next to Damion and he slightly stiffens when I do. I tried not to take notice of that and the hurt that pounded in my chest. I gobbled my food and my coffee so that no one could talk to me, I was still thinking about the fact that Aunt Julie is a she-wolf and that I might have to pick between Damion and Charles.

Once I finished Damion stood up and held is hand out for me. I took it and tried not to moan at the contact, the tingles and heat shot through my body and stayed in my most intimate places. I saw him take a breath only to stiffen even more, and I'm not just talking about hit posture, he must have smelled my lust and arousal. It's not exactly something I can control when I'm around him and Charles.

We reach the garden, I look up at him confused. "We are here for you to be able to manipulate your Earth infinity." He says after a few silent moments.

"What Earth infinity?"

"Touch that tree," I do as he says, "Don't you feel the life going through it into you? Don't you feel the power?"

I did feel all of that, it felt like electricity running through my arm into my body, like a golden current washing through my body and getting rid of anything bad in my life. It was a feeling that I could never forget. My mouth parted slightly and my eyes closed shut, my head tilted back as the power seeped through me, almost a pleasuring feeling. This is a feeling that I could easily get addicted to.

I felt Damion's eyes on me, but I didn't care I was in euphoria, I didn't care about anything or anyone for a change. Then I felt someone's hands run down my waist before going back up, it added to the pleasure that I was already feeling, I moaned at the touch and leaned into him, wanting more.

His lips were on my neck in an instant, nipping and sucking at the skin making me whimper in delight. Charles never made me feel like this, never made me feel a woman. Hearing my whimpers, he grunted and wrapped my legs around my waist and pushed my back against the tree, kissing up my jawline to the corner of my lips. He stayed there not moving his lips closer to mine, I growled and grabbed his face before putting my lips against his.

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