I don't want to leave... but

322 16 8

Well... hi.
I reread the last chaper and I made some minor changes but nothing big. I also noticed that I may have been high when I wrote the a/n... -(*^*')-

'Now, try to eat this,'

A man places a tray off food on front of me and I stare at it blankly.

'Mr... I mean, uh... sting. Please try to eat today, you need to get your strength back up if you ever want to leave.'

I don't want to leave.

'You will be having a visitor today, sting! That should cheer you up eh?' The nurse says kindly.

'Mmhm.' I reply weakly.

'And... uh... we are starting to make some improvements with your friend rogue,' he says nervously as I look up, 'just thought you should know...'

He walks out and I stare down at my tray again, picking up the fork and moving the food around my plate as I think.

I do want him to get better... but how can I approach him?
He tried to kill me... he probably hates me...I should-



'Stop thinking that.'
I look up to see gajeel looking at me.

'You must be thinking "he hates me" or "he wants to kill me" or "I should leave him". Well listen here buddy, don't go and fucking leave my brother. Don't!
You mean so much to him. You're not like the others were... DON'T LEAVE HIM JUST BECAUSE THE SHADOW HAS TAKEN HIM, INSTEAD FREE HIM!'

I hear gajeel panting a bit and I see him with tears in his eyes.

'I won't. '

I don't want to leave,
but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.

This was as much as I could write today I'm sorry but I'm currently on summer break really missing school. Well actually missing this really cute/funny/beautiful/100%STRAIGHT/hot/DOESN'T EVEN KNOW I'M BI girl who has become my best. Fucking. Friend.
In her eyes anyways.....
But yeah... I think you get my drift as to why I'm not updating that much so I'm really sorry but I'll update as soon as I can! (mentally and physically)

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