What Happened?

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I will try to keep updating as regularly as possible! IS ANYONE ELSE LIVE ON THE ANIME 'CAUSE *mind blown with feels*
I open my eyes and see bright lights.
Where am I?
Once my vision clears I look around me and see an unfamiliar place around me.
People are lying on couches and tables and the house is trashed. Who's house.... Maybe Gray's house... Natsu said he has a
big house...
I feel something shift on my chest and I look down to see rogue sleeping peacefully.
He looks so cute... Wait what happened last night?...
Why is he here...
He shifts again and opens his eyes, yawning.
Shit he's awake...
He blinks a bit then tries to get up when I realise my arm is around him shit shit shit what happened last night.
He quickly looks up and when he sees me he immediately turns red. We both stare at each other for a few seconds before he gets up quickly and almost falls over again.
'Rogue, what happened last night?' I ask, avoiding eye contact.
'Well you got very drunk at the party and... You started acting... Strange...'
Shit what did I do
'Did I say anything?'
'..no.' He replies but I hear a hint of uncertainty in his voice, which confuses me a bit.
'Right... Well we're in Gray's house right?'
'Yeah you drove me here.'
Oh yeah...
'I remember now! Do you want me to drive you home?'
'Yes please, my house is five miles away..'
We step over some people lyjng on the floor to get to the front door, and just as we are about to go natsu appears on front of us.
'Did you have some fun last night?' He asks with a smirk.
'No. I mean yeah. Thanks.' Rogue replies quickly.
He seems really flustered...
We say goodbye to natsu and head over to my car which was thankfully not trashed overnight. We get in and I start up the engine and turn on the radio.
I need to somehow record rogue's voice...
I told him he had a good singing voice, but that was a huge understatement. His voice is amazing.
'How much do you remember of last night?'
Most of the stuff is blurry... I think there was some food.
'Not much. But usually I can remember most of what happened after a few days.'
'Oh.. No reason..'
We sit in silence for a while and I wonder why he seems so on edge.
Well I hope I didn't confess my undying love for him or some shit like that...
The truth tends to come out when I'm drunk...
'What are you like when you're drunk?'
'Eh.. I tend to... Be a bit more outgoing shall we say..'
'Right. So you sing.'
'How did you guess?!'
'I know you better than you might think.'
'What's that supposed to mean?'
'Hehehe...' I make a creepy stalker smile and he laughs. His laughter glitters like sunlight on a cobweb.
'By the way I found out last night that Midnight's real name is Macbeth.'
'Really? How did you find out? I heard that everyone in their 'gang' has fake names... I wonder what cobra's real name is..'
'I overheard cobra talking to Mid- I mean Macbeth and yeah I'm not sure what Cobra's real name is... Oh! I also got some really funny pics of everyone last night since I wasn't drunk and they all were; did you know gray dances! And he's good too!'
'Omg you have to send me those pics! Here's my number.' I hand him a price of paper with my number on it that I may or may not have been planning on giving to him at some point.
I go back to focusing on driving and after a while we pull up outside his house.
'Thanks for the lift sting.' He gets out of the car.
'Anytime!' I reply.
As he is about to open the door I see levy open it looking very embarrassed and quickly walking down the street before we can talk to her.
Something must have happened... I wonder if rogue got pictures of gajeel and levy.. Or gray and natsu, that would be hilarious...
I drive to my house a few blocks over and park the car. I go inside my house and head up to my room. And I sleep.
I pin him up against the wall, his eyes are still closed from falling, but slowly he opens them.
'S-sting y-you're d-drunk..' He stutters making me grin, and I put my face closer to his, breathing in the addictive scent of cinnamon and orange.
'So what if I am rogiue?' I say staring at his adorable face.
'S-s-sting, g-get o-off..'
'Nope!' I reply and kiss him hard, putting one of my hands behind his head and tilting it a bit to deepen the kiss. He doesn't pull away.
I wake up suddenly and sit up, breathing hard.
What kind of dream was that!?
Oh god, what if that's what happened last night...
No, it was probably just my stupid brain making up crap.
But it felt so real...
I shake my head a bit to clear it. Nothing happened. Even if something did happen I wouldn't say anything...
I lay back down and fall asleep again, in a dreamless sleep.
Well that happened... Heheehee more drama in store!
On a side note I'm thinking of starting to listen to Welcome To Night Vale (and probably reading fanfiction of it).
Until next time aru!

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