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“It looks beautiful.” Jariel said, looking upon the new apartment building that they had purchased. Unpacked boxes laid everywhere, but that really didn’t matter. What mattered is that it was theirs, and that they would be starting a new life together in it. Jariel helped Dawn and Annette put the boxes in to the rooms they were supposed to go in, before they all took a lunch break.

            Two months had passed since the whole ordeal with Elise. They really didn’t discuss what had happened; they were doing their best just to forget about the whole thing. Dawn was almost fully recovered from the incident as well. Some of her ribs were still broken, hence Jariel carrying all of her boxes and not letting her lift a thing, and she had a couple of scars, but all in all she was doing a lot better. She was smiling more, which made Jariel happy.

            Annette had managed to find another boyfriend, this one named Aaron, which Dawn approved of. Of course, Annette had learned her lesson when it came to abusive relationships and she did her best to steer clear of them. She had put purple streaks in to her black hair, and had treated herself lately to a shopping spree at the latest Goth store, and so she was showing off her new black skinny jeans and her skull tank top. She was doing better, now completely over Derek, as well as fully accepting of Jariel and all his weirdness of being a fallen angel. 

            They were ready to start their new life. They were looking forward to it. Everything came together as they hung up Dawn’s paintings on the walls and unpacked all that they could for the moment. Jariel hung the painting that Dawn had given him on his wall, stepping back to admire it. He was so happy. Happier than he had been in a long time.

            Dawn had, to her disappointment, been fired from Joe’s diner and was now currently looking for a job. Jariel was helping, but she didn’t think she had to worry about it. Dawn had finally began to sell some of her newer paintings, all of which he is the main subject of. She calls it the Angel collection, to Jariel’s amusement. People just seem to like paintings of fallen angels for some reason. Of course, the people that buy the paintings think that his wings are fake, just painted on; little did they know that they held a painting of an actual fallen angel.

            “I am so ready to be done unpacking.” Annette groaned, flopping on to the couch next to Dawn, while Jariel hung up another one of her paintings.

            “I would say that I am too, but Mr. protective won’t let me lift a finger.” Dawn laughed, looking over at Jariel, who was unsuccessfully trying to hide a smile, and smiled.

            “Girl, consider yourself lucky that he treats you like royalty.” Annette let out a laugh. “I think all guys should treat their girlfriends like that.”

            “You’re right,” Dawn smiled, and blushed a little as well, “I am lucky. For so many things in my life.”

            Jariel just smiled, trying his best to keep out of their conversation. He felt that if anyone should be considered lucky, it should be him. After all that occurred those two months ago, Dawn wasn’t all angry at him. For some strange reason beyond his comprehension, she had actually forgiven him. He didn’t feel like he was worth it, like he deserved it. Nevertheless, he was happy that he received it. He didn’t know what he would do without Dawn.

            It was silly to think that at the start of this whole mess, which turned out to be a wonder, that he had so easily hated humans without even considering for a moment that there were some people out there that were different. That did care. He realized how ignorant he was being, and that he was also being a hypocrite. Now, looking back on it, he realized how foolish he had been. Humans weren’t all that bad. Some of them actually did care about others. Jariel wished, if at all possible, there was some way to apologize to all of man kind for his harsh thoughts and actions, but that was impossible, as well as a bit silly as well. Elise had been right, back at the abandoned building. Jariel did have a change of heart. He was proud of himself though, not disgusted with himself like Elise thought he should have been. Thankfully, though, Elise no longer had control of his life. Jariel’s goal in life was to make Dawn the happiest person on the planet, and to just live life to the fullest, because you only get to live life once.

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