Chapter 27

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Jariel sat at the end of the hospital bed while Dawn slept soundly. They had told the doctor that she had been hit by a hit and run driver, but they weren’t going to press charges. The doctors seemed to believe it. They said that she was beat up pretty bad, with broken ribs and that she would most likely have bruises all over her body. She was also bleeding internally as well. They were able to fix it though, and she was going to be fine in a couple of days.

            Jariel thought back to Gabriel and Leo’s offer. Sure, it would have been nice to go back home, but he just didn’t feel like he belonged there anymore. Call him crazy, but that was how he felt. He felt like he belonged here more than there. He couldn’t really begin to imagine leaving Dawn’s side. She had taught him how to be more open with people, more accepting. She showed him that there were people in this world that cared enough to help others. Just thinking about her made him smile.

            Dawn wasn’t going to wake up any time soon. The doctors had her on heavy sedatives to help with the pain. He couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault though. That the reason for Dawn being here, being in the condition that she was in, was his entire fault. Maybe, just maybe, if he had never gotten involved in her life, never had met her, this would have never had happen. Though some may say that it was fate, Jariel really couldn’t decide. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. Jariel wasn’t the type to believe in fate though. He believed everyone created their own destiny. He somehow created this destiny. Maybe it was the second part of his punishment, having to watch the person he loved suffer. He looked over at Dawn, who looked like an angel there, sleeping on the bed, and silently hoped that, when she waked, she wouldn’t be angry at him.

Jariel went to go get something to eat from the cafeteria. He didn’t want to leave Dawn’s side, but he figured she would be safe enough here with Annette, who was also sleeping on the chair next to the bed. Plus, Jariel was starving. The hallways of New York CitySuburbanHospital for Adults and Children were crowded with doctors in white lab coats and patients up and about doing what they needed to do in order to get better. Jariel had already decided that he officially hated hospitals. The smell of them disgusted him, and he just didn’t like being around sick people.

            He managed to find the cafeteria with no problem. They didn’t have the best food in the world, but at least it was food. He ended up ordering a turkey sandwich with potato chips and a bottle of water. He brought them back up to the room with him, not wanting to be away from Dawn for too long, incase she woke up. He walked in to the room, not all that surprised to see Dawn still asleep. He went over to the small desk that they had and began to eat his lunch, enjoying the silence around him. Dawn wasn’t sharing a room with anyone, which was nice because they could talk about what had happened without anyone listening in. That is, when Dawn woke up.

            Jariel was relieved that this whole ordeal was over though. He was glad that Elise was caught and that she was going to get what she deserved. No longer did he have to worry, or look over his shoulder, afraid that Elise was going to jump out from the shadows and end him. He could relax now, completely, well mostly, stress free. Maybe now he could really live his life freely. Alongside Dawn, that is, if she wanted him. After what had happened, she may decide that she hated him and want nothing to do with him. Jariel desperately hoped that wasn’t the case, and that she would forgive him. However, he couldn’t be completely sure.

            “So, I save your sorry ass and I don’t get lunch?” Annette said, letting out a yawn and stretching before sitting up straighter in her chair.

Jariel smiled. “Well, you were asleep and I don’t know what kind of food that you like.”

            “I’m just messing with you Jariel.” Annette laughed, cracking her knuckles, a habit that made Jariel cringe at the sound. “So, what did the doctors say? I think I was asleep when they came in.”

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