Dark Past

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This is a special update to let you know a little bit more about Addy, but it's still in with the story. It's continuing from the last chapter. This update will have cutting in it so please be advised. I'm sorry if you don't like this update because of that and I hope you don't think that i'm being hypocrytical or judging anyone who cuts because, I'm not. I've had my own experience with cutting and i'm not trying to make anyone upset.


Addison Reid ran up the stairs to her room, sobbing after a long day at school. Kate McCail, the popular girl at Addison's school, had embarrassed her in front of her whole class. Kate had recorded Addison singing and had made it into a funny video and auto tuned her voice, making it sound awful. Everyone laughed and made fun of her. Kate was always doing this too her, bullying her. 

About a year ago Addison's younger sister, Asher, died and Kate had made fun of her for it. A low blow that made Addison break. She came home and for the first time she cut herself. Not her writsts or her arms, she knew that those would be too obvious and peole would see, so she cut her thighs. Her crimson blood spilled and dripped onto the bathroom tile. 

It hurt the first time she did it, but after so many times, she had become numb to it. She was addicted to the pain, the outlet to her reality. She pretended to be happy, painting a smile on her face. The bullying kept happening, her parents were clueless to it all, too wrapped up in their own life and still reeling from Asher's death. No one knew. 

One day things got really bad, Addison couldn't bear it anymore. She couldn't bear the guilt she felt about her sister's death, she couldn't bear all the responsibility, the bullying, all she wanted to do was give up.  After school she ran home, she was so lost inside her head, her thoughts, she didn't even bother to close the front door. As she ran up to the bathroom, she couldn't help but cry, harder than she ever has because, she knew that she was going to kill herself this time. She was sad, but also relieved that she wouldn't be stuck in this world all alone, where nobody cared about her.

She pulled open the cabinet in the bathroom and pulled out any bottle she could find. She was trying to open it, but her hands were shaking so badly that it was hard for her to open it. Suddenly, the lid popped off and the pills spilled everywhere. She frantically tried to put them all in a pile when she heard a knock on the front door and someone yelling "Hello?".

She quickly pick up a handful of pills and was about to down them when a hand grabbed her wrist.

She looked up to see a boy with dark brown hair, he stared at her with wide eyes. She followed his arm back down to her wrist and hand still holding the handful of big, white pills. She pushed him away and dropped her hand, the pill littering the floor in radom places. She scooted on her butt til her back hit the wall of the bathtub. She pulled her knees to her chest and covered her eyes with her hands as tears leaked from her eyes.

The boy slowly and cautiously walked towards her and sat next to her. He sat quietly as she sobbed into her hand. 

"Are you okay?" He asked finally

She looked up at him and started sobbing more.

"Okay, okay, sorry stupid question." He said

He tried again " Can I do anything?" 

She shook her head "Why did you stop me, youu shouldn't've stopped me."

"I don't know how bad your life is or why you felt the need to kill yourself, but i'm not going to let you die, no matter how bad life gets, I am a firm believer that life gets better." The boy said

"Why do you even care, you don't even know me?"

"It doesn't matter, You're a person and no person should ever die by their own hand." He answered

Tears still fell down her face as he pulled her to him, holding her tightly.

Her tears soaked his blue T-shirt.

" Why are you in my house?" She asked weakly

All her strength seemed to be drained, all she wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up to a normal life, a happy life like in the books.

"Well, i'm your new neighbor and I came by to introduce myself, the door was open so I came inside to see if anyone was home." He exlpained "I'm Jesse, by the way."


"Well, Addison, promise me you wont ever try anything like that again."

It was an empty gesture, but she said it anyway. 

"I promise."

For some reason that's all Addison could think anout as she cheered along with the rest of the Bellas. She had just got second place in the regionals and that's all she could think about. The day that her sad life changed for the better, the day she promised to never cut again nor try to kill herself, the day she met her best friend, Jesse Swanson.

She looked around at everyone, she wasn't that sad, hopeless, broken girl anymore. She was finally happy and that was better than any trophy or ribbon.

Click on the external link below. Dark Enough is an amazing song and It's really beautiful.

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