First Rehersal

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Happy New Year everyone. Let's hope 2016 is better then 2015.

 "Sopranos in the front, Altos in the back." Aubrey said 

When we sat down she continued "As you can see, Kori is no longer with us, last night she was treble boned, she has been dis-invited from the Bellas."

My mind immediately flashed back to Kori and Donald going off somewhere. 

"That Oath was serious?"Becca asked

"Dixie Chicks serious."Aubrey said

"Dixie Chicks serious?" I whispered to Fat Amy

"You can fool around with whoever you want, just not a Treble."

"That's gonna be hard, he's a hunter."Stacie said gesturing to her...downstairs area

I chuckled

"You call it a dude?"Becca asked

"Stacie, the Trebles don't respect us and if we let them penetrate us, we are giving them our power." Aubrey said angrily

I cringed at the word "Penetrate".

"Yeah, not a good enough reason to use the word Penetrate."Fat Amy raised her hand

Aubrey stared at Fat Amy.

"Okay, does anyone have anything to confess?"Aubrey asked

She walked around and stopped in front of Mary Elise.

"It was an accident...I..."Mary Elise said after a few seconds

"Turn in your scarf and go."Aubrey demanded

Mary Elise gave Aubrey her scarf and drug her chair to the door, crying.

"Seriously?"I asked baffled

"Was that necessary?"Becca asked

  "This is war Becca and it is my job to make sure that my soldiers are prepped at go time with three kick ass songs that are sung and choreographed to perfection, and there are only four months until regional so, if you have a problem with the way I run the Bellas then you should just-"Aubrey said quickly, but stopped when she started gagging

Chloe came over and rubbed Aubrey's back "Calm down, we don't want a repeat of last year."

Lilly raised her hand to ask something, but no one could hear her. 

"What are you saying?" Chloe asked

She said it again, but it's impossible to hear her.


Thank you guys so much for reading. I hope you have a great 2016.

New Years resolution: Fix my friendship with someone I was friends with.

What are y'all's New years resolutions? 

Edit: Unfortunately, I didn't really fix my friendship, but whatever i'll live.

Did anyone do your new years resolution? Let me know in the comments what it was.





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