Full fledged Bella

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*So I decided to skip the initiation and the pledge, sorry. I still need that nickname for Donald.*

We're all at this after pledge party thing. I got some beer, but I have no intention of drinking it. I looked over and saw Becca and Jesse talking. He looked really drunk and Becca was smiling. He left to go get a drink from the keg, either for him or for Becca. When he left Chloe went over to Becca and it looked like Chloe was trying to kiss Becca. I decided to let them have their privacy with... whatever it is they're doing. I turned to see Donald and Bumper a little ways in front of me so, I decided to go bother them for a while.

"Oh yeah, ladies gather round, ready for a show."I heard Bumper say

"Come on Baby Bubble."Donald said making me giggle

The way he said it was so cute.

The I heard Donald say " Bumper and Donald gettin' it...gettin' it."

"If that's what this is then count me out."I said climbing over the seat to stand next to them

"Hey Cutie, I see you made it into the Bellas."Donald said

"That's right, I did the whole boring ritual and everything."I said as Bumper put his arm on my shoulders

"Man, that sucks, oh well, we won't go easy on you just 'cuz you're hot." Bumper said

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled

"So Princess-"

"Don't call me Princess, you can call me Addison or Addy."I said pushing his arm off me

"How come he gets to call you Cutie?"Bumper asked

" Because he's cute and I don't actually let him call me that, he just does."I shrugged

"Wait, did you just say I was cute?"Donald asked smiling

"Hmm...guess I did."

'Keep your head up' by Andy Grammer started playing.

"I love this song!" I exclaimed happily

"Oh hey, What are you turd burgers talking about?"Fat Amy asked standing next to Bumper

Bumper pushed Donald and I away and turned back to Fat Amy.

"He totally likes Fat Amy."I gushed

"Bumper doesn't like girls, he only wants to fuck them." Donald said taking another drink

"And you're different?" I asked him

I almost tripped as we walked along the bleachers.

"Yeah, I am, when I find the right girl, i'll be faithful, but how am I supposed to find them if I don't look." He reasoned

"You've got a point." I said stopping and jumping down off the bleacher onto the ground next to him trying not to spill my beer

"I'm glad you're not ropped into his game." Donald said quietly

"Aww, are you worried about me?" I asked bumping into his shoulder


"Addy, Addison!"Jesse called cutting off Donald

"Hey Jess."I greeted him

"Dance with me." He said taking my hand

As Jesse and I danced I noticed Kori grinding up against Donald. I turned back to Jesse and tried to forget about it. Jesse and I decided to go get Becca a drink. As we started walking up towards Becca Jesse started singing.

"I don't know the words, but I can..."

"Thank you." Becca thanked when Jesse handed her the beer

"Well, i'm gonna go down there...you guys have fun." I winked at Jesse

I walked down the steps to find someone else to hang out with. I saw Donald go off somewhere with Kori. I decided to go over to Fat Amy and sing with her.

*Thank you guys so much for reading this and to everyone who voted, commented, and who follow me after reading this. I worked really hard on this. I spent a lot of time and I went through every scene in the movie very thouroughly.*



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