On Campus*

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Thank you to XTwirlingInTheRainX for this amazing book trailer. Go check out her account, she's a really awesome writer and I know you'll love her stories! 


*Third POV*(The POV will change to Addison's soon)

"Thanks." Addison Reid thanked the cab driver

Ryan, the cab driver, handed her a piece of paper numbers written on it. Addison assumed it was his number.

"No problem, if you ever need anything you can call me." Ryan said 

"Will do." She replied

She pushed off the cab and grabbed her suitcases. She only had two, which wasn't a lot, but that's the glory of having a campus with a laundry room. As long as she didn't run out of quarters she'd be fine. Money shouldn't be a problem since she found a job at the campus radio station.

Addison wore black skinny jeans and a Superman muscle Tee. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in waves, her hair didn't look as good as it usually did. She had fallen asleep in the cab and her hair was now a rat's nest, sticking up in different directions. She smoothed her hair down the best she could, though it didn't really have an effect. Her green eyes trailed over the hoards of people on the campus.

As she walked onto the clean cut lawn of Barden University, a peppy looking girl came up to her with a smile too big for her face.

She handed Addison a shiny silver whistle attached to a stretchy bracelet and said "It's a rape whistle, only use it when it's actually happening."

"Um...right."Addison said 

Addison took note that she said "When it happens" not "If it happens". Addison didn't know how a whistle would help, but whatever.

 As Addison walked down the pathway, she passed a couple guys with signs that had numbers. They looked like they were Seniors, but most likely acted like stupid teenagers. They all held up 10's and 9's and catcalled or whistled. Addison gave them a sarcastic bow, then held up her middle finger, rolling her eyes.

She turned slightly when she saw a blur pass her and next thing she knew the ground has snuck up on her. Some annoying douche ran into her and he didn't even bat an eye. She scoffed and groaned when she noticed her hands were bleeding and all cut up.

"Watch it." He said lazily 

"Sorry." She replied sarcastically

One of the boys with dark hair and glasses walked over to her and offered her his hand. She gratefully took it and he pulled her up. 

"Thanks." Addison said, pulling up her suitcases

"No problem." He said

She turned back to the others and huffed towards the boy that ran into her, "You could take a few pointers from your friend here."

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The guy asked, suddenly interested in her now that he noticed her looks

"And you care because..?"Addison retorted snidely

"Well, when a beautiful woman runs into you, it's common courtesy to ask them if they're okay." He said "By the way i'm Bumper."

'Right, i'm sure you're such a gentlemen.' Addison thought, then said out loud, " Well, Bumper, here's a pointer, girls don't like guys who only like us for our looks." She said walking away

"Oh, by the way, you ran into me." She said over her shoulder


So, here's the first chapter. Don't forget to vote.

* means it's been edited.

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