Spring Break

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I think this song kind of describes how Donald and Addy are. What do you think? You get the added bonus of seeing one of the cutest guys on Youtube, Kian Lawley.


I laid on my bed, tangled up in the sheets with Donald, our hands intertwined. He was asleep, but, while I was tired, I couldn't sleep. After last Friday, when Donald and I performed our little "Awkward Duet", he asked me out. It wasn't in any fancy way, we were laying in bed, in a similar manner as we are now, and he asked me. I obviously said yes, I mean we spent half the night making out, of course that would be my answer. 

I pulled out of Donald's choke hold, with much difficulty, and much to my dismay, but i seriously had to pee. 

I tiptoed over to the door and opened it, praying that it wouldn't squeak like it normally does. Luckily, it didn't. I quietly walked down the hall, heading towards the bathroom.

Did I mention that i'm in my brother's house? I definitely needed a break from Barden University so my brother, Tyler, offered to let Donald and I stay with him and his fiance. My brother went to college so he understood my troubles. He also understood my sudden infatuation.

Ty had a nice house, not too small, not to big. Most of the floors are wooden, which is great. I had a weird thing about carpet and I honestly just can't stand the feel of it. I closed the door to the bathroom with a click and continued to do my business. After I finished, I washed my hands and dried them on a lavender towel. I opened the door back up, only to see a shadowed figure. The fact that it came out of nowhere literally almost gave me a heartattack. I gasped slightly and almost screamed before they came into the light.

"Jeez, what the hell? Are you trying to scare me to death?" I asked

I put my hand up to my chest, feeling my heart beating so hard, I almost thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

Ty chuckled lightly and walked over to me, apologizing lightly. 

"Yeah, Yeah, so funny." I said, sarcastically

I followed him down the stairs to the kitchen, where he pulled out a box of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream from the freezer.  He took out two spoons and handed one to me. I noticed for some reason he had a cap on, so naturally I took it off and put it on my head, hiding my bedhead.

I gladly took it and dug into the ice cream.

"Reminds me of the old days." Ty said

I smiled "Yeah."

When we were younger, Ty and I would always sneak down to the kitchen late at night when our parents were asleep, and pull out a huge jar of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. I used to have nightmare's, a side effect of the depression, and that's how Ty would help me. In the morning my parents would be so confused as to why they were missing a whole jar of Ice cream.

I chuckled lightly at the memory.

"You've changed a lot since I last saw you, what...2 years ago?"

I nodded "Been a while."

He frowned in response.

"How's everything going?" He asked me

I tore my eyes away from the ice cream and stared at him. I took in the seriousness in his eyes.

"It's going fine." I lied

He gave me the ' Do you really think i'm that stupid' look and I sighed.

"Maybe it's not so great, but i've got Donald now and that makes things better." I said, smiling as I remembered the brunette locked away in my room, sleeping peacefully.

Endings are the Best Part ~Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now