Troublesome Trebles

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When Addison, Jesse, and Benji made it over to the Treblemakers, Addison noticed the guy singing 'Let it Whip' was the guy that ran into her, Bumper, and the other two guys that were with him. Bumper came over to her and started walking around her, still singing.

 When the song finished Bumper teased "So, you just couldn't stay away, huh."

"Yeah, I just couldn't get enough of your bruting good looks." She replied sarcastically

Just then Benji interrupted and said " Bumper, hi i'm Benji, huge fan..."

Addison didn't understand how Benji could be a fan of such a cocky bastard.

Addison stopped listening after that, she was more interested in the boy who had helped her up. He was on his phone scrolling through something.

"What's your name?" She asked the boy

"Name's Donald, what's your's Cutie?"He asked

Addison snorted, " Addison, and don't call me Cutie."

"And what if I want to call you Cutie?" He asked 

Addison hadn't noticed that she had taken any steps toward him, but now they were only about 3 inches apart, so close Addison could smell the peppermint on his breath.

As they stared at each other they heard someone mutter "You can practically feel the sexual tension in the air." (A/N-That person was Treble #3 aka Greg Gorenc)

Donald stepped back holding his hands up in surrender.

"Can I?" Bumper asked putting his arm around her shoulder

"Can you what?" Addison asked confused

"Call you Cutie?" He explained

"Ha, not even in your dreams." She said pushing his arm off her shoulders

"No, but I bet in yours."Bumper smirked

"If you were in my dreams, it'd be a nightmare."Addy said turning around to follow Jesse and Benji who were already walking away

"See ya later, Cutie!"Donald teased

Addison rolled her eyes "Later Losers!" She yelled back, addressing all the Trebles

"I've gotta go to the radio station, see ya later." Addison said once she caught up with Jesse and Benji

"Yeah, I'm doing an intern there too, i'll see ya later Benji."Jesse said

Benji nodded "Bye guys."

"So Jess, what's been going on in your life?"Addison asked calling him by his old nickname

"Nothing much, you?"Jesse asked

"Well, Mom's still an hoping she'll become an actress and Dad's still overprotective, so nothing's really changed." Addison answered

"How's Emma?"Jesse asked casually

"You mean my sister who you've always had a crush on, she's fine."She laughed

"Wha- I never liked her." He denied

"Jess, you came over to my house like, everyday, I doubt you came over just to study with me." Addison asked

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Whatever you say, we're here." Addison said as she opened the door to the radio studio


*I know I said the POV would change a while ago, sorry, it'll change soon, thank you guys for reading so far, I love you guys, PLZ VOTE, LIKE, SHARE,and/or FOLLOW if you like this story.*

Endings are the Best Part ~Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now