You can cry on my shoulder

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I don't remember falling asleep but there I was. Lying in Gab's soft arms on the sofa. He didn't seem to dislike my way to "watch a movie". Well I can tell that I didn't want to watch that movie again. I know every single detail already.

I kept laying there and tried to act like I hadn't sleep. I failed. Or I guess he had noticed I was asleep. But he could've waken me up if we were totally honest.

"Did you sleep well?", he questioned.

"Uhm..this is awkward."

"No, that's really okay", he laughed. "You're cute when you sleep."

"Oh", so he's been staring at me while sleeping. Damn.

"Are you hungry?" He said politely.

"I don't think.." I was interrupted by my stomach's horrible noise. "..that I will survive without food", I corrected.

"You're genuine", he laughed.

We ate in silence and I checked my phone. Basti hadn't texted or called no more and it made me worried. I wonder if he's okay.

"How are you?" He smiled and pull me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine", I can't help but worry about Basti. "..and you?"

"Great because you're here", he smirked. I laughed for no reason. "Maybe we could go out or something?"

"Sounds great", I smiled.

Bastian's P.O.V.

"Are you sure this will work?" I wasn't sure about his idea. "What if she won't believe me?"

"Well that's possible but we have to take that risk", I sighed. " but don't worry everything will be alright", he tapped my shoulder.

"But what if-"

"You're just overthinking, believe me", he smiled. I put my head into my hands. "Basti, I promise", he lifted my head up.

"Really?" I smiled slightly.

"I promise."

"I don't know what I'd do without you Luki."

"That's why friends are here", he cheered.

"Thanks", I smiled.

"Oh come give me a hug", he opened his arms and gave me a bear hug. "Everything will be alright", he whispered.

Alice's P.O.V.

The sun was getting down as we made our way to the beach. Suddenly Gab's phone rang and he asked me to stay where I was. I opened my phone. Bastian called me. I wondered for a second to answer or not but then I picked up.

"Alice", I said.

"Hi, it's Bastian", he said politely.

"Hi", I said back.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me and everything is fucked up between us right now but that man you're with is not good for you-"

"You don't even know  him Basti you haven't even-" He interrupted me.

"Right please let me tell you, I won't bother you no more then", I let him continue.


"Me and Lukas found out that he has had things with other girls while they're having problems with their boyfriends or husbands. He has changed his name everytime and doesn't care about the girls after he has destroyed their relationship", he let out.

"That's insane", I breathed out. "That's not true."

"Alice please believe me", he begged.

"Basti-" I heard someone coming. "Bye", I quit the call.

Gab stepped near to me and smiled at me. The things Basti told me made me think even though I knew Gab is not like that. I know he's not. How insane does it heard to tell something like that. Well I have to admit he has a good imagination.

"Who did you call?" He smiled.

"Oh just my friend", I smiled.

"Great, you wanna go to the beach?" He smirked.

"Yes please", I giggled and he offered me his hand.

Bastian's P.O.V.

"She didn't believe me", I was getting a paranoid. "He will make her something terrible", I cried.

"Basti, calm down", He hissed. "Everything will-"

"NO HE WILL RAPE HER AND KILL HER", I couldn't help the tears.



"BASTI SHUT UP", He yelled. "As I said everything will work fucking out", he said seriously.


"No", he said. "We're going to the plan B", he smirked.

"But we don't have plan B."

"Well maybe I do", he smirked.

Alice's P.O.V.

I was getting cold and saw Gab smiling at me.

"Do you have cold?" He asked.

"Just a bit", I smiled slightly.

"We can go to my place?" He offered.

"I think is time to go home", I regret.

"Allie", he looked at me with puppy eyes. "Please."

"Okay okay", I couldn't help but agree.

"Yes", he smiled and gave me a hug. "I love you."

I don't think he's right. You can't love a person so fast. Or that's what I think. Mostly is a crush. Not love. But maybe he meant that in a different way.

"Let's go?" He smiled.

"Yes", I took his hand and vanished my silly thoughts.

Bastian's P.O.V.

"Are you sure about the address?" I asked a millionth time.

"Basti, don't worry I know what I'm doing", he whined.

"Why aren't we going then?"

"We have to check a few things first", he said seriously.

"Okay", I said.

Alice's P.O.V.

He led me inside and locked the door. Then he smiled at me helping me to sit down onto the sofa. He headed to kitchen and I could only hear lots of noises and my mind was making lots of things inside my head what he could do there. Maybe he was looking for his gun so he could shoot me when I'm here. Or something really bad.

I sneeked to the kitchen and took a candlestick. When he comes to shoot me I'll hit this onto his head.

I heard some noises and footsteps coming near. He was coming. I was ready.


Hi! 🙋

So this chapter wasn't so long because I've been so tired and busy lately! But by the way I'm happy that some of you want me to write this so maybe I could update more!


PS: I hope you liked this chapter!

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