Chapter 5

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"Finally! It's the weekend!" I said getting a bowl of cereal to eat

"But we still have to practice for the battle" America said

"Ugh! But who cares, I love to dance" I said eating my cereal and watching tv

"I'm going to buy some grocerys. Be ready by 12 PM, so we can go practice" She said getting her bag

"But it's barley 10 AM! I'm lazy!" I said whining

"Who cares! Be ready by 12 PM!" She said slaming the door behind her

"Well then" I said as I got up from my postion on the couch and made my way to the sink.

I washed my bowl and went straight into the shower.

By the time I got out of the shower, it was 11:43 AM. I had enough time to change, so I put on some sweat pants and a tank top.

By the time I finished changing, America came home with the grocerys

"You ready!?" America yelled from the kitchen, putting the food away

"Almost!" I yelled from my room, grabbing my bag and a water bottle from the freezer. "I'm ready"

"Okay let me go change" She said running to her room

I sat on the couch and just waited for America to come out of her room.

"I'm ready" America said

We got everything we needed and went on our way to MSA.

We entered MSA and saw nobody in the practice room, so we just put down our stuff

"Let's play some music" America said plugging her Ipod to the speakers

She played a song we both liked and we just started to dance to it. We started to do some steps, we both did when we were little but all of a sudden, I felt like someone was starring at us.

So I stopped dancing and looked around the room until I found a guy at the door of the practice room, laughing.

"What's wrong?" America said while pausing the music

I didn't answer her, just looked at her and back at the guy

She followed where my eyes lead to

"Cable! You came back!" She said running to him and hugged him

"Cable?" I said walking towards them

"Yes. I am Cable" He said shaking my hand. What a gentlemen. "I'm also in the MSA Crew, I just visited my friends and came back"

"Oh well very nice to meet you, Cable" I said

"Yo!" Moose came in the practice room with the crew

"Cable!!!" the whole crew said

"Hey!" Cable said

After meeting Cable, we started to practice and took a break

"Okay you guys the battle is tomorrow! So we will all get a text on Monday, when and where the battle will be at" Andie said

"Do we just wear what ever clothes we want?" Kimberly said

"No, we have costumes. Be here tomorrow and I will give you, your costumes" Andie said and with that we left home.

America and I went home and went straight to bed

BANG! I heard something really loud. I was in my room, panicing. After 2 minutes, I didn't hear anything. I got up from my position on my bed and opened my door slowly and went to America's room. It was really dark in her room but I didn't turn on the lights. I kept on walking through her room trying to find her bed, then I stepped on some liquid. "Eww" I said running to turn on the lights. I looked at my foot. The liquid was red, I looked at where the liquid was and saw America laying on the floor with blood everwhere. "America!!!!!" I screamed and put her in my arms and trying to stop the blood coming out from her stomach with my hands. "No please!!!!"

"No!!" I woke up screaming and crying. "It was just a bad dream" I said to myself. I checked my alarm clock, it was 2:34 AM.

I got up from my bed to check if I woke up America with my screaming. I slowly opened her door to reveal her sleeping.

I went back to my room and tried going to sleep but I couldn't. I checked my alarm again, it was already 3:12 AM

I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen to get some milk. I got my glass of milk and sat down at the kitchen table and just drank my milk and thought about the bad dream over and over again.

When I finished my milk, I got sleepy. So I put my glass in the sink and didn't wash it because I was too lazy. I went to my bedroom and went straight to bed and fell asleep.

-Next Day-

"Hey America" I said coming out from my room

"Hey, you want some eggs?" She asked

"Sure. Thanks" I said

"Here you go" She said putting eggs on my plate. We both ate breakfast and took a shower and went straight to MSA to get our costumes for the battle tomorrow.

"Okay for the girls, I thought we should wear this" Andie said taking out a bandana from her bag

I gave her a confused face "A bandana?"

"I haven't told you the rest" She said

"For the girls, you guys have to wear a bandana with a matching tank top with the color of the bandana and blue or black jeans. And for the guys, you have to wear a bandana and just a black shirt and blue or black jeans"

"Bandana for the boys?" Moose asked

"Yes. You guys are each going to have a partner for the battle and wear the same color bandanas" Andie said

"So Kimberly and Justin are going to be partners and your bandanas are going to be purple" Andie told Kimberly

"Justin? He isn't in the crew" Kimberly said

"I know but he asked to battle and be your partner so he is just battling with us, one time" Andie said. Kimberly just smiled and said okay.

"Chase and I will be partners and our color will be blue" Andie said

"Moose and Leslie are partners and your colors are going to be red" Andie said

"Yay!" I yelled " My favorite color!"

"Me too" Moose said, smiling at me

Andie continued with the partner thing and we got our bandanas and went home to get some rest.


Hope you liked it! The interesting stuff (in my opinion) will come soon. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Vote if you liked it! Thanks.

My true love, Moose (Adam Sevani)Where stories live. Discover now