My true love, Moose (Adam Sevani)

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Chapter 1

Hi my name is Leslie Stoner and I love to dance. My bestfriend, America lives in Baltimore, Maryland and goes to MSA. So she suggested that I move to Baltimore with her so I can audition for MSA, Maryland School of the Arts, so I did.

My best friend, America and I went to MSA to sign me up for an audition. We had to wait for like about 1 hour because they said they were going on a break. So I thought I should catch up about things with America since I hadn't seen her like for a really long time.

"So? How you been?" I asked.

"Well pretty good. I have a cool school. Cool friends. I have my best friend back with me. Everything is just perfect" She said smiling at me.

"Aww im happy to be back with my best friend too and catching up on things. So tell me what have you been up to?" I asked.

"Well pretty much nothing. I won a competition at The Streets with my crew and--" She said before I cut her off. "You are in a crew?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Im in the MSA Dance Crew"

"Cool and you won the competition?"

"Yeah. Before we were like nobody but ever since we won The Streets we became popular" She said.

"That is so cool. I wish I could of seen you!"

"Yeah I was pretty awesome" She said while laughing.

"Calm down" I said laughing "Who is in the crew?" I asked

"Well a lot of people such like Andi--"She was cut off again by a guy shouting my name. "Leslie Stoner. Its time for your audition". I got up pretty nervous thinking in the best postive way that I can do this. I looked at America and we both went inside the auditorium.

"America I don't know if I can do this" I said being a little bit nervous.

"Leslie just go and do your best! I know you can do this!"

I got up on stage and did a route that America and I did when were kids. When I was about to finish i end the route with a half-split, my back-leg bent allowing me to push myself to my feet as fast as I can. I finished and they applaused for me and one of the judges said "Good work" and another said "Excellent". I ran to America to give her a big hug, I was happy that I did the audition with my best effort. "You were great Leslie!" America said. "Thanks" I said smiling and hugging her even tighter. "Okay now we will call you to tell you if you are in or not. Good Luck" Said one of the judges.

We left out of the auditorium and America looked at me "You were very great. The route that you did for the audition was our little dance when we were kids huh?" She said smiling. "Yes. Yes it was" I said. "Now can we go get something to eat because I am starving" I asked. "Of course and since you did your best in the audition, we will go get something you love to eat. PIZZA!!" She said taking me from the arm and running out of the school to the buy the pizza.

We got our pizza and soda and we left home. When we got home we were deciding what movie to put on "No i think we should put a comedy?" I said. "No we should put a romance/comedy movie?" America said taking out cups for our soda. "No you know what, since we both like dance we will watch a dance movie" I said finding a dance movie to watch.

"There lets watch this movie" I said putting the movie inside the DVD. "Okay. Come get your pizza and soda" America said pointing at my pizza.

I got my pizza and soda and sat down next to her on the couch. I pressed play and we watched it.

When the movie finished we washed our plates and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up in the morning by a sound that came from the living room it was the house phone. I got up all sleepy and went to the living room to find the phone.

My true love, Moose (Adam Sevani)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن