11. Frank Avery

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// Castiel

He wasn't completely sure if he regretted it or not.

Castiel opened his eyes when he smelled the bacon and heard his stomach growl in anticipation. He glanced at the red numbers of the clock staring at him on the nightstand.


Castiel groans and does his best to go back to sleep, but his stomach and the smells from the kitchen just wouldn't let him. So he sits up and yawns extremely loudly. He stretches as well as he can and just kinds sits there, trying to collect himself for the day.

"Dean, is that all for Cas?" He hears Sam say.

"Yes. So grab some left over pizza from the fridge." Dean replies and Sam groans. Dean laughs loudly and tells him he was only joking.

"So...what's with you and Cas anyway?" Sam asked, taking a bite of something. Castiel does his best to listen to the hushed voices. There's silence for a really long time before Dean sighs and silence falls again. Cas isn't sure what happened in the kitchen. He rubs his eyes and gets up from the bed, earning a small creaking noise from the furniture. He hears Dean shush Sam. He puts on the old slippers Sam let him borrow and slowly makes his way into the kitchen and smiles sleepily at the two boys.

"Good morning, Sam, Dean." He says, taking in the smells that are now stronger. He sees Dean making bacon and there's a stack of pancakes next to him.

"Morning, Cas!" Sam flashes a toothy smile in return and takes another bite of what Cas now sees is toast and not pizza. Dean grunts in response and focuses on the bacon.

Castiel goes into the restroom and washes up before coming back out, feeling more awake and refreshed. He wished he could have taken a shower (ever since he took one with the water pressure the Winchester's had, he just wanted to stay there all the time), but it was pretty late and he was afraid Dean might scold him.

Dean had set the table and had the pancakes in the middle, a small plate of bacon next to them.

"Dig in." Dean says, smiling at Cas. Castiel looks at him and shakes his head, turning to Sam.

"This can't all be for me!" The Winchesters only nod and motion for Cas to sit. He complies and Dean quickly begins setting eggs and bacon and pancakes on his plate and Sam just sort of watched the exchange of food happening before him.

"Please Dean, give Sam some- and you eat too." Cas whispers. After several moments of arguing, Dean ends up giving Sam almost all the pancakes and he ends up with the bacon. They sit quietly and eat their food. Castiel does his best to ignore the butterflies forming in his stomach. He managed to sort of trap them in a corner.

"So Cas, you excited for today?" Sam asked, smiling up at him, taking another bite of the pancake.

Castiel looked up at him, slowly chewing on some eggs. He must have seemed confused because Dean smiled and continued for his brother.

"Your job interview." He said. The butterflies escaped their trap and practically flew out his mouth. He chocked on his eggs.

Dean quickly stood up and began slapping his back. Castiel coughed a few more times before laying his head down on the table.

"You good?" He was asked this several times before he lifted his head and sighed.

"I'm nervous." He whispered.

Sam laughed.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll do great! Dean told me that you called the company yesterday and the offered the interview, so I think you've got a really good shot." He said stealing some bacon of Dean's bacon.

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