/Chapter Fourteen/ Questions.

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Here is the next cahppie for the smexxii people still readin ;)

The song has nothing to do with the story or the chap but I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!!!! Mindless behaviour <3333333333333333333333333



Chapter Fourteen: Questions.

I stared at the horse for a long minute, taking everything in. This horse, this beautiful white horse was my mother. My mother was here with me, not an impostor but her. I had no doubt in my mind that this was her. I hadn’t felt so strongly of anything in my life. Even when I first spoke with the impostor, I didn’t feel as close to it as I did the horse right now. For what felt like a century, I felt there was hope. So many questions started to pour into my mind like, ‘how did she get inside of a horse?’ and ‘Why she was not in heaven where she belonged?’

“I know you probably have many questions to ask me sweet heart and I’ll answer them as best I can,” said my mother to me. She walked forward towards Nathaniel and smiled. “Can you leave us alone for a few minutes so we can talk please? Daisy over there is getting impatient waiting on her oats.” She told him, gesturing to a horse across from her.

Nathaniel gave her a quick pat on the head and smiled before going away to feed the other horses.

Mother turned around and laid down the hay and signalled for me to grab a nearby stool and sit with her. I did so and stared at the magnificent creature before me.

“Mother, I really can’t believe you are here,” I said.

“I can say the same about you Mercy, I haven’t seen you since you were nine and you’ve grown up so nicely and become such a beautiful young lady.” She told me. “Oh how I hate the fact I’ve missed so much of your life.”

I smiled and bowed my head. “You haven’t missed much mother.” She had actually missed a lot of events in my life but I did not want to make her feel bad.

“I have, I missed you so much Mercy. There hasn’t been a day I hadn’t thought about you, or your father. Oh how I miss him,” he voice faltered halfway through her sentence and I realised father wasn’t the only one heartbroken in this situation.

“I can say the same about you mother,” I said, getting on my knees and wrapping my arms around the horse’s neck and cuddling it. This felt nice, two of my favourite things in the world; horses and my mother, was wrapped up in one special package for me.

“Mercy, how has your father been?”

My heart fell in my chest. “He’s been…difficult.”

“How so?”

“Um…he has been very sad .”

“I see.”

I stroked the top of mother’s head soothingly as I saw a little tear roll down her face. “Mother, I have to ask-”

“How I cam to become a horse?”

“Well…yes mother.”

“Well, when I died my spirit did not make it to the afterlife. I couldn’t speak; I couldn’t interact or communicate with people. I could move things and such but that scared people. I saw people but they could not see me. I was able to walk amongst humans but that wasn’t enough. Sometimes I’d see horrible things happen to innocent people and was unable to do anything about it. Life was awful for the two years after I died. Though, it was worse that I had to watch you grow up, unhappy and confused and be unable to hug you or kiss you and tell you things would be alright.”

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