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The past few months have flown by! I have finally gotten my house the way I want it. I did a little yard work, tweaked a few things, and finished decorating. It looks more like me and there's a lot less empty wall. I've put up some family photos and some landscapes, overall the décor looks very rustic, kind of like back home.

As for Logan and I, we're doing very well. I feel like I can be myself around him, I don't get nervous or feel as if I should watch what I say. I can just be... Me. Honestly, I don't just think of Logan as my lover. I think of him as my best friend. We've been with each other through a lot and even now, I can say that maybe Nick was right...

Maybe I was never meant to marry him. As he said, maybe he was just filling the shoes of my soul mate until they came along. Ever since Nick passed away, I always wondered why I had to go through such a tragedy so young. Now, I know that if that didn't happen, I wouldn't have met Logan and that would have truly been a tragedy in itself.

"Caroline, you'll never guess who's coming to visit in a few weeks!" Logan says, walking into the living room from the basement stairwell.


"My mom and Alex are flying in for their vacation."

"Is that who called you?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Actually, that was the General, but then mom beeped in. She said she's very excited to see your new house."

"How long will they be staying?"

"A week, I think, why?"

"Why don't they stay here with me? There's plenty of room."

"I was just going to have them stay with me at the base, but if you really want to put up with them..."

I shrug. "I don't mind. It'll give me some company while you're at work."

"Hey, I offered to buy you a dog." Logan laughs.

"I don't want a dog, Logan, I like to socialize with people every now and then, you know?"

"I'm just joking, I'll run it by them tomorrow and see what they think... So, you know how I said the General called..." He smirks wrapping his arms around me.


"Well... He was confirming my vacation for the next week..."

"You're on vacation?" I ask, excitedly.

"Starting tomorrow, I will be... Do you remember a certain promise that I made to you a few months ago? If I do recall," He smiles, evilly. "It had something to do with a certain beach house..."

My eyes go wide as I yell, "We're going to the beach house?!?!"

He nods as I can barely contain my excitement. "Tomorrow? We're going tomorrow?"

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