Chapter Fourteen

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Logan was pretty happy the rest of the day, he was more like himself

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Logan was pretty happy the rest of the day, he was more like himself... We ate dinner together at the cafeteria and even talked about the house. "You aren't going to do anything with the basement?" He asks as we head back home.

"I will eventually, but first I need to focus on things people see, like the kitchen, living room, and dining room...That sort of thing."

"What about the two extra bedrooms?"

"I might fix one of them up and make the other one into an office... I'm not sure yet."

As we make the last turn to the house, I see a man sitting on the porch. As we get closer, I see that it's Lieutenant Jon Grant. He rises and salutes Logan.

"Lieutenant, what can I do for you?" Logan asks carefully.

"I'm sorry to stop by on such short notice, but I wanted to thank you for letting me keep my job. I know that you really wanted to punish me for my actions and honestly, I was expecting a few months in military prison. But then, the General told me that a certain young lady talked you out of it..." He turns to me. "I don't know you, at all really, and yet after all the things I said, you forgave me and saved my job, and for that, I owe you."

I smile, "You don't owe me anything. Everyone deserves a second chance."

"Thank you both for giving me that chance."

He salutes Logan once more before walking away. Logan unlocks the door as we go inside. "Okay, that was unexpected." He adds.

"Nope, not at all." My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket as I frantically drop my things trying to retrieve it. I look at the ID, it's Andrea! "Hey, girl!"

"I just got off the phone with the owner! You've got the house!"

"No way!" Logan smiles at my enthusiasm.

"Yes! They accepted!"

"So, now what?"

"Well, mainly, we have to wait for the deed to get transferred, after that happens, it won't be long until you'll be moving in!"

"Great! How long would you guess I have to buy some furniture?"

"Well, deeds are a bit hard to estimate, but I'd say about a week. The owner is really pushing for this to get wrapped up."

I smile. "Oh gosh, thanks, Andrea. Looks like I need to go shopping."

"Yes, you do! Have fun!" I hang up and look back to Logan who is staring at me.

"So... You wouldn't happen to be off tomorrow, would you?"

"Yeah, why?" He asks carefully.

"Well... I kind of need a shopping buddy..."

"Caroline, I don't like shopping..." He whines.

"Yeah, but I need input on my decorating skills..." He groans. "Come on, Logan! I'll tell you what... I'll let you decorate the guest bedroom any way you like, within reason, and you can stay over whenever you want." I'm so going to regret saying that...

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