Chapter Sixteen

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Later that day, Logan and his family made the funeral arrangements while I stayed behind at the house

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Later that day, Logan and his family made the funeral arrangements while I stayed behind at the house. I didn't feel comfortable going with them, even though Logan really wanted me to. I would go to the funeral but the arrangements were more of a family thing. Instead, I stayed in our room and caught up on my reading.

"Caroline?" I look up from the book. Alex is standing in the doorway. "Logan said to come and get you. Some friends are downstairs that he wants you to meet."

"Logan wants me to meet people? I find that highly unlikely."

"Well, they want to meet you. Oh, and I would change clothes too. They're kind of preppy..." He hints.

"Right..." I add looking down at my t-shirt and jeans. He closes the door as I scramble to my suitcase. Preppy rich people. Great. I look through the clothes I brought and find a pair of black dress pants, a black and white lace top, and some wedge heels.

Looks like that'll have to do...

I quickly change and touch up my hair and make-up. Once I head out of the bedroom, I see Alex waiting for me by my door. "Will this work?" I ask.

"I think you'll pass." He laughs as we head down the main stairwell into a room full of people. "Be friendly, smile, and never look them in the eyes for a long period of time." He mutters.

"Gee, thanks! I feel like I'm being thrown into a room full of hungry animals."

"You'll be alright."

Once my presence is noticed, all eyes are on me, and as soon as my heels hit the floor, people surround me. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't act like vultures! I know you all are just as surprised as I am." Alex says as we walk toward Logan.

"What exactly are you surprised about?" I whisper.

He smirks. "That Logan actually came home and he brought a lady friend with him."

"Why is that so surprising?"

"Apparently, you don't know Logan."

Okay? By the time we get to Logan, a few people have gathered around him. He's smiling and nodding, so I'm guessing that's a good thing?

"There she is... I would like you to meet Caroline Woods." He adds as I stand beside of him, unsure of what to say.

"Pleasure to meet you..." An older woman adds, barely acknowledging my existence. "Where exactly do you live now?" She asks, looking at Logan.

"Virginia. I live on base."

She cocks an eyebrow. "Base? As in army base?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, I just thought you would live in a house..."

"I do, it's just on base. It's free to soldiers and their families."

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