Chapter 4

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*Evan above*

Lucas's P.O.V

Before he could say anything I pushed passed him and walked upstairs to my room.

I packed some gym clothes along with a few of my everyday clothes in my football and basketball duffle bag.

A picked up my bags and walked downstairs to hear yelling.

"Your not taking him with you!"

"What Lucas needs is to know that he is being loved, not everyday of Hus life thinking his dad is obsessed with him because his mom died giving birth to him, or him always knowing that you will always hate him because of something that happened the day he was born." Tyler said calmly but angry.

I quickly walked all the way down the stairs and put my hand Tyler's chest.

"Its not worth it Ty. I know you want to help me out with this, but there's nothing me, you, or your brother can do to fix our relationship." I said with a little hurt in my voice.

He looked in my eyes with a sympathetic look.

"Our relationship won't ever change because of something I did so just leave it."

By now I had tears in my eyes so I walked out of the house and into Ashley's car.

"Didn't go well I assume."

I didn't reply and just continued to let the tears fall while looking outside.

After Tyler and Jacob got into the car, we drove to the boxing club.

We walked into the gym and looked at everything that was going on.

I was amazed at everything that was going on at one time.

You had some people hitting the punching bag, while some lifted weights. In the middle of the gym was an octagon for ufc practice fights and beside it was a ring for practice boxing matches.

I was snapped out of thought when I heard Ashley yelling.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? This gym is for people who help each other get stronger, not where you can fight each other. So since you want to fight somebody your going to fight me." She said with a smirk in her voice.

This can not be good.

Ashley's P.O.V

"Ring or octagon?" One of the guys asked.

"Majority vote." I said.

"How many of you want me and these two idiots to fight in the ring?"

"40 of 100 people voted for ring so we are fighting in the octagon." I said.

They sighed.

I put in my mouth piece and took off my necklace and gave it Ty.

I got in my fighting stance and waited for the bell to ring.


As soon as the bell rang I tackled him to the floor and punched him repeatedly.

They rung the bell again before I took it to far, knowing me that I could have almost killed him.

"Let's go next." I said as the other guy walked in.

They rung the bell.

I let him attack first giving him a chance but he couldn't hit me so I punched him causing him to fall.

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