29- Honeymoon

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AN: Just thought I'd let you know that near the end of the chapter there's a more steamy part. It's not really steamy or anything because I personally don't like writing too suggestive scenes, so feel free to skip that part- just thought I'd warn you 😊

2 months later

Stefan's POV

I wake up with a smile on my face, knowing that today's an incredibly special day. Today we leave to go on our honeymoon and I'm so excited because I know how excited Elena is about going to Australia. I can't wait to show her the amazing sights that honestly made me fall in love with the country itself.
I contently place a kiss in Elena's hair and feel her body tense against mine before she turns around to face me, a smile playing on her lips.
"Good morning," She smiles as she tucks her hair behind her ear. I produce a smile in response.
"Good morning." She leans in and connects our lips in a steamy, passionate kiss, one that we draw out for a least a minute.
"And a good morning it is," she laughs. She rubs her eyes before asking what the time is.
"It's ten past six." Our flight is an early one, hence why we're awake at this time. On a normal day I wouldn't be in such a good mood so early in the morning, but since we're going on our honeymoon today, I think it's safe to say that I'm in a pretty good mood.
"I haven't woken up before Layla for god knows how long," she states before sitting up. I laugh at her statement before sitting up myself and making my way off the bed. She stretches before standing up herself and walking towards the wardrobe. I use this to my advantage and quickly approach her before wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, encircling her in my embrace.
"You know we're going to be late if you do th-," she trails off as I begin to kiss her neck. At first she protests, but not for very long since the next thing I know she's tilting her head to the side to give me better access. I smile against her neck.
"You were saying?" I tease as I hear her low moan.
"I... was s-saying... that..." She's cut off again as she moans and I feel her body tense against mine. I disconnect my lips from her sweet spot, which I've managed to find with ease over the years, before bringing my head up to face her.
Smirking, I kiss her cheek. "Hm?"
"You're evil, I don't like you very much right now." I can tell full-well that she's joking, seeing as she's trying to hold back a smirk. I tighten my grip around her waist. "You love me really."
"Well, I guess I have to," she replies after she fakes an exasperated sigh.
"No," I start. "You love me because you want to love me."
"I suppose I can't deny that." She turns to face me before placing a light kiss on my cheek.

Elena's POV

We arrive at my mum's house, luckily, on time with Layla and Stefan's dad is now waiting for us outside in the car. "I'll go and put these in the car," Stefan says before swiftly leaving.
My voice is low and at a whisper. "Mum, I need to tell you something."
"What? What do you need to tell me?" She turns to me excitedly. I gently pull her to one side.
"Shh! I don't want Stefan to hear," I hush her before quickly checking to ensure nobody's around. "Okay, you have to promise you won't tell anyone." I wait for her to nod for confirmation to continue. "I'm pregnant."
Her hands flies up to cover her mouth. "Oh my god! Sweetie!"
"How do I tell him? I want it to be special," I say, concern beginning to etch at me.
"Oh sweetie, this is special, it doesn't matter how you tell him," she replies.
I sigh. "I guess, I just thought that since it's the first time that I'll be able to announce it to him in person, it needs to be special."
"He'll be happy no matter how you tell him, just make sure you do it soon," she says.
"I will. I'm going to tell him when we get there, I've got a spare test that I could take," I suggest. Honestly, any input she can give me is appreciated, I really don't want to screw this up.
"Sounds perfect sweetie," she consoles me. The excited look on her face is still present.
"Thanks mum. And thank you so much for looking after Layla, we really appreciate it."
"It's not a problem darling, she's an absolute angel. Also, don't forget to let me know how telling him you-know-what goes." She whispers the last part.
I smile. "I won't forget. Are you sure you'll be fine with her?"
She interjects quickly. "Yes, I'll be fine. I'm off work and it'll be nice to spend some time with my granddaughter."
I laugh softly at her eagerness to be with Layla. "Okay, if you're sure. Tell Jenna I said goodbye."
"Will do sweetie. Now go and enjoy your honeymoon. You deserve a rest." She rests her hand on my shoulder. Shortly after I see Stefan return from putting our bags in his dad's car. His dad was kind enough to offer to drive us to the airport. He looks at me and smiles.
"Ready to go?" I nod and smile in response.
"Thanks again, mum." I hug her. "We'll see you in two weeks." Both Stefan and I turn our attention towards Layla, who's happily sitting in her walker. We both walk towards her, I take her out and cuddle her, Stefan behind me the entire time.
"Mummy and daddy will miss you so much, we love you so much." I give her a few kisses before handing her over to Stefan. He hugs her, just like I did, and says his goodbyes to her.
"Have fun with nanny," I say as Stefan passes her back to my mum.
We start to make our way out, giving a few more waves to the two of them, and walk towards the car. "I hate leaving her." I briefly turn to look at the house, the temptation to run back in and hold Layla and never let go overwhelming me.
"I know you do, but she's in good hands." He kisses my temple before opening the car door for me. I slide in the car, and Stefan follows.
"Next stop: airport," his dad says. I can't help but smile at the anticipation of our honeymoon.
The drive takes about thirty minutes and before I know it we're outside the south entrance of the airport. "This is where we part ways. Have fun both of you and don't worry about Layla, she'll be absolutely fine."
I smile before undoing my seat belt."Thank you so much for taking us."
Stefan stays seated and talks to his dad for a minute whilst I get out of the car to place our bags on the pathway. "Alright, thank you," I hear before seeing Stefan emerge from the car.
"Ready?" I smile whilst shouldering my bag.
He nods and smiles in return. "Ready."
We walk hand-in-hand to check in our luggage, which doesn't take very long, and make our way towards security.
Once we've gotten through security, we wander through duty free and the other shops that are situated in the airport, looking for nothing in particular. When a small baby grow on the rack catches my eye, I smile and think about how he's going to react when I tell him. I honestly can't wait to tell him, I can't wait to actually see his face when he knows that we're going to have our second child. I can't wait to tell him in person rather than break the news to him on the phone.
We sit down on a bench just outside a coffee shop, and I place my head on his shoulder before looking down at our entwined fingers.
"Thank you," I say.
"For what?" He questions.
Which I reply with. "For always being there for me." In all honesty, it's as simple as that. Stefan has always been there for me, as well as the entire family, without fail in all the years that I've known him. With everything that's happened Stefan has been the most supportive husband I could ever have hoped for, and I never believed that I would get so lucky as to have fallen in love with such an amazing person. "You're my best friend, my rock as well as my husband. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life." He smiles.
"You know I could say the same to you. I'm so grateful that I have you in my life, even more grateful that you're my wife." I tighten my grip around his hand in reply.
I look into his beautiful evergreen eyes. "I love you."
"And I love you." He kisses my nose and then his irresistible lips make contact with mine.
I hold onto our moment for as long as I can, but unfortunately it's shortly interrupted by the announcement of our flight, which will be leaving in the next twenty minutes at Gate 8A. We both stand up, hand-in-hand, and make our way to our gate, and with every step the reality of our situation catches up on me, to the point where I can no longer suppress my smile.

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