Chapter 17

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My heart stopped beating for a second, hearing his voice. Out of anyone I could meet tonight, it had to be Isaac. The person who hates me for whatever reason that I'm not aware of. The person who doesn't want to see my face, nor does he want to hear my voice.

Our eyes locked, as he looked at me in confusion at first. "Why's she here?" He suddenly asked, pointing at me, not removing eye contact. "Isaac.." his mom started in a strict voice. He gaze snapped away from mine, now anger clouded his face. "Right," he muttered quietly. "Come sit," his mom said, her voice back to normal now. His eyes searched over the table, seeing there's no place to sit except beside me. Not having a choice, he walked over to the chair beside mine and sat down, scooting his chair away from mine. Feeling hurt, I looked down. "This is my son, Isaac," Mr Grey introduced to my parents. "Isaac, this is Adam, and this is Kelly," he said, motioning towards them. "And this," he said, directing at me, "Is their daughter, Olivia." Isaac said hello to my parents, not even bothering to look at me. "So Olivia said she goes to Francis High, too. Do you two know each other?" Charlotte asked. I was about to answer with a yes, but Isaac replied, "No, I don't know her." Charlotte nodded and went back to talking to my parents, along with Mr Grey. I looked at Isaac. Not taking my eyes off his side profile, I whispered, quiet enough so only he heard me, "Why are you acting like this?" Obviously, he ignored me.

We ate lasagna and a shrimp salad, both of which tasted amazing. At the end, when everyone was done eating, I offered to help Charlotte with the dishes. She protested at first, but I convinced her to let me.

My parents and Mr Grey went to the living room to talk while Isaac and I stayed in the kitchen to help Charlotte out. Isaac hadn't said a word to me throughout the entire dinner.

"Your house is lovely," I commented, directed at Charlotte. She smiled, "Thank you. I decorated the whole house myself, seeing it is our home."
"Really? You should be an interior designer, then! I mean, you did an amazing job on this house."
She chuckled, waving her hand, "I don't think so. I mean, who would look after the house and my family?"
"I'm sure you can work something out," I shrugged my shoulders, giving her a smile.
Changing the topic, she said, "Thank you for helping out. No one really offers."
"Well I like how I feel comfortable around you," I smiled.
"Dear, would you like to help me decorate the floor of the front entrance?" she asked me.
"I'd love to! What are you doing, though?"
"Well I'm using colored powders to make a design on the floor, so when you enter the house, a beautiful, colorful design is laid before your eyes," she said excitedly.
"Like those in the Indian shows?!"
I squealed excitedly. I've always wanted to make one of those..what do you call them? Rangoli? Yeah. I came across some Indian shows while flipping through the channels, and suddenly saw a rangoli design on the floor. It immediately caught my eyes. It just looked so beautiful.

"Jesus.." Isaac muttered, annoyed by my squealing. Ignoring it, I followed Charlotte to the main lobby, in front of the entrance doors.

We were just about to open up the packets when my parents came downstairs and called out, "Olivia, it's time to go." I frowned, looking at Charlotte. She nodded at me reassuringly, causing a smile to break out on my face.

"Adam, Kelly," she addressed my parents, "Olivia and I were just starting to make a rangoli, er, decorate the entrance. If you don't mind, can she stay longer? I'll have her home safely."
My parents exchanged a look, but nonetheless, agreed, seeing that Charlotte promised to have me home safely. I smiled, showing my teeth, and hugged Charlotte in excitement.

"See you at home," my mom said and kissed my forehead, while my dad gave me a smile. They headed out the door and I turned to Charlotte once again.

"Let's start then!"

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