Chapter 2

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I walked out of the school building, eager to get home and take a nap. I had already finished all my homework during school, which meant I was free for the day. That was something I always did, or at least tried to do. I try to finish my homework during school hours so that I can be lazy at home. Logic, man.
To some people, it might seem nerdy, but honestly I don't care as long as I get my work done. It's not even about the grades, it's about not doing school work at home.

I was casually walking with music blasting in my ears, when someone bumped into me. Literally bumped right into me. I fell, causing my phone to fall, and the screen broke. After one look at my phone, my mouth hung low in shock. My phone!!!! That was all I could think. "Get up," a voice ordered. Anger clouded my vision, and I grabbed my phone and very quickly stood up. "Don't order me to get up-" My sentence couldn't fulfill its duty to become a sentence as it stopped midway. It was the same guy.

"Honestly, who are you?" I finally asked. "You made me run off the stage with anxiety, made me snap at you in the library, bumped right into me, did not even apologize, made me fall to the ground, broke my phone screen, and after all of that, had the audacity to order me to get up. All in one day. Who the hell are you?"

His angry expression turned into confusion, "You don't know who I am?" He asked, as if he couldn't believe the fact that I didn't know him.
I shook my head slowly, "No, I do not know who you are."
"Are you sure you go to Francis High?" he asked.
"I'm pretty sure," I nodded sarcastically.
"Uh.." he muttered quietly.

After a while of not saying anything, I said, "You're paying for the damage."
He gave me a sour look, "No, I'm not paying for your phone screen," he declared. "Excuse me?" I said, "Yes, you're paying. You caused this," I blurted. He took a step forward, making me feel intimidated, "Yeah? And who's gonna make me pay?"
Backing off, I muttered, "Never mind, I don't care anymore," and I walked away.

I could feel his stare as I walked away. My hair surrounded my face, slightly hiding it as I shoved my earphones into my ears. I quickly entered my house using my keys and found my parents sitting around the kitchen counter. "Hey guys," I greeted as I grabbed an apple and slumped back on a seat. "Did you decide what college you want to apply for?" I shook my head, "Honestly, I still have two months to think about college applications. It's only November. In January we have to make a rough draft of the list, not even the final draft." My mom sighed, "It's never too early to think about college. Moreover, you're a senior, Olivia. You need to think about your future," she said. "I know, mom. But can I just relax for now? I'm already in a bad mood." My dad asked me what happened and I showed him my phone in reply. "How'd it break?" he asked. "This guy bumped into me and my phone fell," I answered. "Did you ask him to pay for the damage?" he asked. "I did, but forget it," I sighed. I stood up, "I'm going to go get it fixed. I'll be back soon," I said and exited the house.

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