Chapter 10: Back to One

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Nicoles' POV

"what?!" I questioned the guy infront if me.

"nicole I'm your boyfriend... brandon."

ok woah there hold up. did he just say boyfriend?!!! that cant be i didnt have a boyfriend!

"I'm sorry but i dont have a boyfriend." I simply stated.

His face saddened after my retort. I felt bad but then again I didnt. I know I didn't have a boyfriend when I got my mate.

I hugged him. I wasn't thinking but I felt like I had to. Why? Why did I do that?

Brandon hugged me back. His arms going around my waist and pulling me closer tohim. suddenly i felt a pang on my chest. Guilt. but then i didnt. i felt as if this were right. as if i was making a friendship i once had better once again.

i released from the hug but felt the atmosphere envelop me with its icy cold fingers. i shuddered. brandon must have noticed because he came up to me and hugged me enveloping me in his warmth.

a cough was heard from a distance breaking us apart. I turned my attention to the source of the cough. Who I saw wasn't who I was expecting.

He ignores me all day but when I hug someone else he reappears. If you ask me that's just complete BS!

"Why we're you hugging my girl?!" He growled.

Brandon snorted. Worst decision dear Brandon.

"Your girl?" He mocks.

"Yes my girl."

I faked a cough trying to get their attention. It worked. They stared at me all confused. I looked at Drew with hatred in my eyes. He looked baffled by my sudden change in character. His wolf was down knowing that he did something wrong. Can you blame him? Serves him right,honestly.

I turned to look at Brandon. He looked confused. Poor guy getting in between the werewolf drama. He cant go against a soon to be alpha, he'll die.

I took Brandon's arm and walked to class leaving Drew alone. I turned back to take a look at his face. Shock, confusion, hatred, and bewilderment all in one look.

"I need to tell you something" Drew said shoving me into the janitors closet.


Im so sorry i haven't updated the story until know.
I've been busy with school and whenever i have the chance i update a bit.

Let me know in who's POV you want the next chapter.
Thanks for being patient 😘😘😘

Sorry for the short chapter though

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